双语:建立一个有效地的危 机管理战略Greating an effective crisis mangement strategy(by li).docVIP

双语:建立一个有效地的危 机管理战略Greating an effective crisis mangement strategy(by li).doc

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双语:建立一个有效地的危 机管理战略Greating an effective crisis mangement strategy(by li)

Business essential creating an effective crisis mangement strategy 建立一个有效地的危机管理战略 Getting started: When companies experience a major problem that threatens their business,they need to react quickly and effectively to protect their viding clear information to customers and the media can build support and help the company to recover quickly. An important part of the process is having a crisis mangement strategy in place before problems occur. 当公司遇到损害声誉的问题时,他们需要快速反应,做出保护声誉的行动。明确的向顾客和媒体传递真实的情况,取得他们的支持,帮助公司快速恢复声誉。重要的是在问题发生之前,要提前建立危机管理战略。 FAQS 常见问题解答 Can crises really be managed? 危机能控制么? Yes. Remember that you’ll be fighting on two fronts to some extent:clearly you need to be tackling the problem that has cropped up so that it is resolved as quickly as possible ;you also need to protect you brand and reputation. While in some cases it is possible to see a problem coming, in many cases difficult situations tend to ‘erupt’ without any waring. having a cohertent strategy in place to deal with such evtens can make the difference between you bussiness weathering the storm and it being dealt a knockout blow. Today’s 24-hours cycle means that good and bad news travels fast, so you need to be prepared and go the minute a crisis hits. 是的。在某种程度上看,有两个方面要始终牢记:第一,你需要处理已经出现的问题,尽快解决;第二,你需要维护品牌的声誉。 有时候,你可能发现问题正在出现,许多情况下危机的爆发是没有的。有一个适当的战略,能影响到你公司的生死存亡。在今天,糟糕的事情可能在一天时间内传遍全球,所以你需要做好在危机发生时解决危机的准备。 How should we handle media enquiries in diffcult times? 危难时我们怎么处理媒体的质疑? So that your organisation presents its side of the issue professionlly and calmly,nominate one person(probably someone from your publicity department) to deal with the media. That person should be thoroughly versed in your management plan and well briefed on the crisis being dealt with. Channelling all enquiries via this person will give the media a welcome point of contact and also make sure that a consistent point of view is offered. 为了应对媒体时显示出你们组织的专业和冷静,推荐一个人作为新闻发言人应对媒体,这个人可以是宣传部门中的一个人。新闻发言人要十分清楚你们的管理计划,并能全面的介绍危机处理方案。由一位新闻发


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