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中国驻英国大使刘晓明在为英国参加历届“汉语桥”中文比赛的选手举行的招待会上的讲话 2011年9月16日,中国驻英国大使馆 Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception for the British contestants of the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition The Chinese Embassy, 16 September 2011 ? ? 同学们, 老师们, 朋友们: Teachers and students, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今晚,我非常高兴在中国大使馆为英国参加历届“汉语桥”中文比赛的选手及其老师、亲友举行专场招待会。我谨对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎。 A very warm welcome to the Chinese Embassy. Its a great pleasure for me to give this reception tonight for the Chinese Bridge contestants and your teachers, families and friends. 本来,我今晚的讲话应该全部用中文,但考虑到许多出席招待会的选手亲友们还不会讲中文,我也充分理解学习中文还需要一个过程,所以今天我还是讲英文。同时鼓励选手亲友们也加入到学习中文的行列中来。我不期待你们也争金夺银,而是希望你们通过学习中文,更多地理解和支持你们的亲人参赛,更好地参与我们的中文活动。 Tonight would be a good occasion for me to speak in Mandarin. Yet I fully understand that some of you do not speak Mandarin or have only just started learning. So I will continue my speech in English. I want to encourage the families and friends of UK contestants to join the ranks of Mandarin learners. You may not win prizes in competitions like your loved ones. But by learning Mandarin, you would give even stronger support to your dear ones in their competition. And you would appreciate more our Mandarin events. 我在今年初就提议举办今天的招待会,使馆教育处也筹措了一段时间,但一直是“万事俱备、只欠东风”。终于,我们迎来了期待已久的这股强劲“东风”。上个月,在中国举行的第10届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛决赛阶段中,英国赛区选拔推荐的董鹏德、大米、田原皓和罗斌四位同学分别荣获一个一等奖,两个二等奖和一个三等奖,另外,董鹏德被授予“汉语语言使者”称号,田原皓获最佳网络人气奖。如果说去年亚非学院蒋思哲同学摘得第九届世界大学生“汉语桥”大赛桂冠是“脱颖而出”、“一枝独秀”的话,今年,你们则是“群体性崛起”和“集体爆发”,创下了“英国队”参赛以来最好成绩。祝贺你们!所以,今天招待会第一层意义是“庆功宴”。 I came up with the idea of hosting this reception earlier this year. The Education Section of the Embassy has been working on it for some time. Im glad that today, as the competitions have drawn to a close, we are finally able to celebrate Chinese and British success. The annual Chinese Bridge competition was created by Hanban in China. Since its start, over 800,000 students around the world have taken part in preliminary stages of the competition. This is a wonderful contrib


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