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本科生专业文献综述 本科生专业文献综述 题 目: 南京明城墙、明故宫保护 与开发利用研究文献综述 姓 名: 周涛 学 院: 人文社会科学学院 专 业: 公共事业管理 班 级: 公管51 学 号: 2235124 指导教师: 杨旺生 职称: 教授 2008年 6月 20 日 南京农业大学教务处制 南京明城墙、明故宫保护与开发利用研究文献综述 公共事业管理专业 周涛 指导老师 杨旺生 摘要:南京是一座历史文化古城。明代的南京留下了许多有价值历史文化遗迹,其中明城墙和明故宫是最具典型的。飞速发展的城市如何合理的保护古迹和开发城市的建设成为了一对矛盾,如何在好的发展城市的同时又能够保护好有价值的历史建筑就成为了一门学问。历史保护不但可以让人们记住历史,同时也能使人们的爱国情感增强,主人翁意识增加,从而更好的为城市建设做贡献。不断的沿革中,许多城市的历史记忆正在逐渐消失,城市从景观视觉和空间形态上愈来愈走向“趋同化”。历史古迹和文物建筑更全面、整体的保护是对城市特色的保护,也是解决城市建设和旧城更新中保护与发展的冲突的关键。 关键字:明城墙;明故宫;文化遗产;文物保护;明代 Ming city wall in Nanjing、Ming Palace protection and utilization of research literature review Student ZhouTao Tutor YangWangsheng Abstract:Nanjing is a historical and cultural city. Nanjing Ming Dynasty left many valuable historical and cultural sites, of which the walls and the National Palace Museum is the most typical. How does the rapid developing city protect the monuments reasonably and the development of the city has become a pair of contradiction, and the problem that how to keep the city developing well and protect the valuable historical building well has become a scholarship. The protection of history can not only make people remember the history, but also can enhance peoples patriotic feelings, increase the sense of ownership, thus give a better contribution to the urban construction. In the constant evolution, many of the citys historical memories are gradually disappearing, on the form of city landscape and visual space more and more cities become convergence. The comprehensive and overall protection of historical monuments and heritage buildings is the protection of urban characteristics, and also for resolving the urban construction and urba


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