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治疗阶段 * * * * * 催眠实操三:催眠治疗失眠 * * 催眠实操四:催眠治疗厌食症 催眠实操四:催眠治疗疼痛 催眠实操五:催眠治疗晕车、船 催眠实操六:催眠治疗恐惧症 催眠实操七:催眠缓解焦虑 催眠实操七:催眠缓解抑郁 The first type of hypnosis to be accepted and experimented with was animal hypnosis. In the 1600s, people calmed chickens hypnotically by various means, such as balancing wood shavings on their beaks or tying their heads to the ground and drawing a line with chalk in front of their beaks. In France, farmers learned to hypnotize hens to sit on eggs not their own. In the mid 1800s in Germany, traveling shows went from town to town with birds, rabbits, frogs, salamanders and others. In Manchester, a famed event was LaFountaine hypnotizing a lion. In the late 1800s, Hungarian hypnotist, Volgyesi hypnotized all the animals at the Budapest zoo. Scientists and biologists such as Preyer, Verworn and Emile Mesmet studied animal reflexes (like paralysis from fear) that might cause such phenomena. /hypnosis/hypnosis_history.html * * Slide of Mesmer treating patient. Illustration from p. 128 of D. M. Walmsley, Anton Mesmer, Robert Hale, London, 1967. * Mesmerism: The Operator Inducing a Hypnotic Trance, engraving after Dodd, 1794. Plate from Ebenezer Siblys book, A Key to Physic, 1794. * The sole remaining example of Mesmers baquet, on display at the Musée dHistoire de la médecine et de la Pharmacie, Lyon, France. * One of Dr Braids early attempts at hypnosis * Mesmers baquet Braid与催眠的时代 Braids early attempts at hypnosis Nancy school Paris shool 催眠的步骤 催眠的分类 催眠实操一:催眠感受性测试 晃指测验 催眠实操二:全体放松练习 谈话 导入 * 身体反抗: 心理反抗:反向暗示法 深化 * 催眠与心理治疗 北京林业大学 李明 clearmind@126.com 课程结构 催眠概述 催眠界定 催眠现象 催眠的身心效应 催眠的适应症 催眠的简史 催眠的步骤 催眠的分类 催眠实操一:催眠感受性测试 催眠实操二:全体放松练习 催眠实操三:催眠治疗失眠 催眠实操四:催眠治疗疼痛 催眠实操五:催眠减肥治疗 催眠实操六:催眠缓解抑郁 催眠实操七:催眠缓解焦虑 催眠实操八:催眠治疗饮食障碍 催眠概述 外来的和尚会念经 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 奇异的催眠现象 催眠的生理效应 催眠的心理效应 * 怎么办? 催眠简史 前Mesmer时期 埃及、希腊、中国、印度 圣触 (Royal touch) 16世纪开始寻找形而上学解释:paracelsus、Gul Maxwell、Maximillian Hell 中国 祝由 印度 埃及 希腊 eBer’s manuscript Mesmer术与动物磁流说 Mesmer The


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