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Functional Theories of Translation;Key concepts;5.1 Reiss: text type approach;;;; ;;翻译方法; MP3充电使用方法 Charging Method 将电源线一端插入本机的DC5V插孔,另一端USB插头插入PC的USB接口,或连接标准5V 500mA的充电器接口,充电中“紫色灯”闪动,充满电量后“紫色灯”停止闪动。 One end of wiring be inserted in DC5V, another end with USB jack be inserted in USB jack of PC or other charging with standard 5V 500mA jack; twinkle under charging and no twinkle after fully charged.;月下独酌 李白 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。; Drinking Alone under the Moon Xu Yuanchong, 1997 Amid the flowers, from a pot of wine I drink alone beneath the bright moonshine, I raise my cup to invite the Moon who blends Her light with my Shadow and we’re three friends. The Moon does not know how to drink her share; In vain my Shadow follows me here and there. Together with them for the time I stay And make merry before spring’s spent away. I sing and the Moon lingers to hear my song; My Shadow’s a mess while I dance along. Sober, we three remain cheerful and gay; Drunken, we part and each may go his way. Our friendship will outshine all earthly love, Next time we’ll meet beyond the stars above. ;茅台酒:国酒茅台,酿造生活的品味。 Mao-tai: A liquor of national status that makes your life gracious. 《全球》杂志:一册在手,纵览全球 With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand. 麦斯威尔咖啡:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 Good to the last drop.;言内、言外的指导标准来评价译文的充分性;Although interrelated, the importance of these criteria vary according to text type;;Discussion of the text type approach;;5.2 Holz-M?ntt?ri: Translational Action ;翻译并不是简单的翻译词、句或是文本,而是引导潜在的合作,跨越文化障碍,促进功能行交际 德国功能学派的学者Justa Holz M?ntt?ri 甚至不把翻译简单地称作为“翻译”,而是用一个杜撰的、含义更为广泛的新词“翻译行为”代替它,以表示各种各样的跨文化交际行为。这个词还不光局限于翻译、改编、编译,它甚至把与外来文化有关的编辑、查阅等行为也包括在内。在这种“行为”里,译者变得像是一个根据委托人要求设计“产品规范”的转机,并生产符合接受者文化圈特定需要的“信息传递物”。而译作也不再寻求与原文的等值,而只是一份能满足委托人需要的目的的文本。 -国内翻译界在翻译研究和翻译理论认识上的误区 谢天振;语际翻译牵涉的角色和参与者;发起者:中国人民大学出版社 中介:《经济科学译丛》编辑委员会 原文本作者:平迪克、鲁宾费尔德


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