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Contents 目录   Programme of Symposium 研讨会程序 Abstracts of Papers 论文摘要 A cultural economy of regionalisation: ethnicity and capital in the changing relations between China and 1 Southeast Asia 探索区域化整合之文化型经济:中国与东南亚变动关系中的民族和资本因素 Dr Vivienne Wee 黄丽嫣博士 Decentred diaspora or grounded cosmopolitanism? On negotiated identities and international linkages in 3 Southeast Asia 无中心的流散移民抑或扎根的都会性格?论东南亚国家的协约认同与国际联系 Dr Michael Jacobsen Mainland investment on the move: state-owned enterprises and outward direct investment in Southeast Asia 5 陆资在前进︰中国大陆国有企业与对东南亚直接投资 Dr Stephen Frost and Ms Mary Ho 何晶晶小姐 Economic cooperation and opportunities between Southeast Asia and the Pan Pearl River Delta 7 东南亚与泛珠三角区域之经济合作与机会 Dr Zeng Kaisheng and Dr Reuben Mondejar 曾凯生博士与文德彬博士   Re-territorializing guanxi networks: Taiwanese manufacturing capital in Southeast Asia and China 9 关系网络再定界:东南亚与中国之台湾制造业资本 Professor Sue-Ching Jou, Professor Dung-Sheng Chen and Professor Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao 周素卿教授, 陈东升教授与萧新煌教授   Malaysia in China: transnationalism, business networks and enterprise development 11 马来西亚在中国:跨国活动、商业网络与企业发展 Dr Edmund Terence Gomez and Dr Chin Yee Whah A comparative study of ASEAN economic relations with China and Japan 13 东协对中国与日本经济关系之比较研究 Professor Jong-Kil Kim 金钟吉教授 The factor of Chinese ethnicity in China-ASEAN relations as mirrored in investments from 15 Southeast Asia in Fujian 华人因素与中国—东协关系︰福建的东南亚投资 Professor Zhuang Guotu 庄国土教授   The character of Southeast Asian Chinese investments in Mainland China since 1978 17 东南亚华商对中国大陆投资特点分析 Dr Wang Wangbo 王望波博士 China-ASEAN complementary and competitive economic relations and trends 19 中国与东盟经济的互补和竞争及其发展趋势 Professor?Wang Qin 王勤教授 Economic relations between China and Indonesia, and Chinese investments in Indonesia 21 中国与印尼经贸关系及中国对印尼的投资 Dr Lin Mei 林梅博士 An analysis of Indonesia’s textile and garment industry 23 印度尼西亚纺织品与成衣业分析 Professor Wu Chongbo 吴祟伯教授 Overseas Chinese business networks and transnational Chinese enterprises 25 海外华商网络与中国企业的跨国经营 Professo


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