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10 Vol. 33 No. 10 2005 10 ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA Oct . 2005 CDMA 1, 2 1 1 刘家彬 , 朱世华, 李文元 ( 1 , 710049; 2 , 102617) : CDMA , , ( CAC) . CAC ( FACAC) , . , FACAC CAC 60% , ( GoS) 23% ( ) . : ; ; ; ; : TN929533 : A : ( 2005) Fast Adaptive Call Admission Control Method for Multimedia CDMA Networks 1, 2 1 1 LIU Ji bin , ZHU Shihu , LI Wenyu n ( 1School of Electronics and Inf ormation Engineering, Xi an Jiaotong University , Xi an, Shaanxi 710049, China; 2Department of Communication Engineering, eji ing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, eij ing 102617, China) Abstract : In order to ensure th t the interferencelimited multimedi CDMA mobile communic tion systems oper te st bly nd reli bly, c ll dmission control mech nism is implemented,with the go l to effectively, fleetly, nd ccur tely control the number of users in the systems. In this study f st d ptive c ll dmission control ( FACAC) method for WCDMA ir interf ce is going to be in troduced m king ble f st, ccur te, d ptive threshold, simple nd fe sible decision bout incoming c lls. Simul tion results verify the correctness of theoretic deriv tions nd show th t the drop prob bility nd the gr de of service ( GoS) for FACAC is lower by bove 60% nd lower by bout 23% th n those for convention l CAC schemes respectively (when tr ffic lo d is higher in the systems) . Key words: d pt tion; c ll dmission control; power control; WCDMA; mobile communic tions [ 6~ 8] . , 1 , , (


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