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10 1 ( ) Vol. 10 No1 2011 1 Journal of Beijin Jiaoton University( Social Sciences Edit ion) Jan. 2011 1 2 范月娇 , 彭丽芳 ( 1. 华侨大学 经济与金融学院, 福建 泉州362021; 2. 厦门大学 管理学院, 福建 厦门36 1005) : 通过对 断裂点公 的修正, 用以界定一个较大区域内多家物流配送企业在竞争条件下为同一电子 商务企业客户提供物流配送服务时的服务半径此研究可作为电子商务企业界定物流配送企业在其合理服 务半径内提供满意物流配送服务的借鉴方法, 使其在 一定程度上避免物流配送企业因不良竞争而产生的多 方负面效应, 同时也可作为科学界定电子商务物流配送服务半径的一种参考思路和方法 : 物流配送服务半径; 电子商务企业; 物流配送企业; 断裂点公 ; 模型修正 : F250 : A : 20 11) 0 1002907 Defining Method of Service Radius of EBusiness Logistics Distribution Based on Breaking Point Formula 1 2 FAN Yuejiao , PENG Lifan ( 1. Colle e of Economics and Finance, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou Fujian 362021, China; 2. School of Mana ement, Xiamen Universit y, Xiamen Fujian 36 1005, China) Abstract:We defined the service radius of several lo istics distribution enterprises in the competi tive conditions that distributin for the same ebusiness customers based on the reversin of the breakin pointformula. This study can be used as a reference method for ebusiness enterprises to define a reasonable services radius of lo istics distribution enterprises that to provide satisfactory service for ebusiness customers, can also be used to avoid some ne ative effects of unhealthy com petition of the lo istics distribution enterprises, and also can be used as the reference of ideas and methods to define the services radius of ebusiness lo istics distribution scientifically. Ke words: service radius of lo istics distribution; ebusiness; lo istics distribution enterprise; breakin pointformula; revisin model



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