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计算机研究与发展 Journal of Computer Research and Development 基于内存的分布式隐私流查询系统 张 鹏, 刘庆云*, 熊翠文, 李保珲, 林海轮, 易 立 ( 中国科学院信息工程研究所 北京 100091) (信息内容安全技术国家工程实验室 北京 100091) ( 国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心 北京 100029) ( 中国科学院大学 北京 100049) (pengzhang@) MDPSS: Memory-based Distributed Private Stream Searching System Zhang Peng, Liu Qingyun*, Xiong Cuiwen, Li Baohui, Lin Hailun, Yi Li (Institute of Information Engineering CAS, Beijing 100091) (National Engineering Laboratory for Information Security Technologies, Beijing 100091) (National Computer Network Emergency Response and Coordination Center, Beijing 100029) (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049) Abstract The era of Big Data has begun, people are more concerned about data privacy. On the one hand, the users are more eager for fresh and low-latency searching results than ever. On the other hand, they do not want to open the searching information. To this end, this paper proposes a memory-based distributed private stream searching system, in which queries are encrypted by Paillier cryptosystem. The system adopts shared-nothing architecture to support the horizontal scalability, and partitions the stream into fragments to achieve parallel query and bitmap index-based storage. Experimental results show the effective and efficient of the system. Key words private stream searching; in-memory computing; paillier cryptosystem; bitmap index; big data 摘 要 随着大数据时代的到来,隐私问题备受关注,用户一方面希望获得新鲜和低延迟的查询结果,另一方 面又希望对查询信息进行隐私保护,为此本文提出了一种基于内存的分布式隐私流查询系统,其中,查询可以 通过Paillier 密码系统进行加密。该系统在shared-nothing 架构下支持水平扩展,实现了在内存中对流数据 进行分片的并行查询以及基于位图索引的压缩存储。实验证明了该系统的有效性。 关键词 隐私流查询;内存计算;Paillier 密码系统;位图索引;大数据 中图法分类号 策,提高企业生产力的重要性,为此,大数据的处 1 引言 [2] 理模式也从批处理向流处理发生转变 。然而,数 大数据时代已经到来,其中典型的 4 个特点



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