成衣业Speed to Market 程序模式之建构叶忠, 陈映含, 卢品蓁逢甲大学.pdf

成衣业Speed to Market 程序模式之建构叶忠, 陈映含, 卢品蓁逢甲大学.pdf

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成衣业Speed to Market 程序模式之建构叶忠, 陈映含, 卢品蓁逢甲大学

成衣業 Speed to Market程序模式之建構 *葉 忠 , 陳映含, 盧品蓁 逢甲大學工業工程學系 通訊作者 :葉 忠 住址:台中市西屯區文華路 100 號逢甲大學工業工程系 電話:(04)轉 3624 FAX :(04 E-mail:hsujeng@ 成衣業 Speed to Market程序模式之建構 *葉 忠 , 陳映含, 盧品蓁 逢甲大學工業工程學系 摘 要 我國成衣業面臨全球化市場競爭的衝擊,及消費者個性化商品的要求下,傳統的成衣供應鏈模式已 無法及時反應出顧客的需求,因此,發覺 S.T.M. (Speed-to-Market)對成衣業再造的必要性。 本研究是以建構出流行成衣 S.T.M.程序模組為主,首先依工業工程點、線、面、體之改善層級建構 成衣業 Speed-to-Market之改善計畫及實施,以縮短整體成衣供應時間,其次透過成衣業經營策略資料 及資訊科技管理相關系統資料,來建構 S.T.M.的程序模組,以改善成衣業供應鏈流程。期望本研究可提 供國內成衣業作為建構 S.T.M.階段、步進式的參考範本,使國內成衣廠商能正確掌握消費者需求,精準 且快速地反應市場情況,縮短從接單到成品運送到客戶的整個補貨週期時間。 關鍵詞:快速上市、流行成衣、程序模組、供應鏈 Abstract In facing the impact of the worldwide market competition and the consumer’s individual product requirements, the apparel supply chain model in Taiwan no longer can response customer’s requirement in time. Therefore, we find that S.T.M. (Speed-to-Market) is necessary to the apparel industry’s reengineering. This research is to build a S.T.M model of fashion clothes. First, according to the industry engineering’s point-line-plane-volume improvement level build the apparel industry’s Speed-to-Market plan and carry out to shorten the total times of apparel supply chain.Second, through the manage strategy data and information science management data of the apparel industry, find out the information science management system that fit to build S.T.M process model in order to improve it’s supply chain process. Hope that this research can provide the apparel industry an example of S.T.M-level building and step-by-step processing, for them can handle consumer’s requirements correctly, react t



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