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The phone will be built into watch or even our body. The robots will help us do all difficult work. People will work at home. Shops will no longer exist. People will order goods from home. People will speak much fewer languages. There may be a new kind of language that you can use in any country in the world. The world language comes into being. 1.Greeting from the future.(来自未来的问候。) 2.pollution(污染) 3.population(人口) 4.planet(行星) 5.Mars(火星) 6.keep in touch with(保持联系) 7.time machine(时间机器) 8.send messages 9.time system(时间系统) 10.devide…into 11.stay healthy=keep fit(保持健康) 12.create things(创造东西) 13.prepare for(为…做怎备) 1 What year is Mekanika living in? ( ) A 3040 B 3044 C 58AL D 48AL 2 Where does she live? ( ) A Mars B Mercury C Jupiter D Earth 3 Why do the people on the earth have to leave? ( ) A the growth of population B too much pollution C the absence of food D the deadly disease 4 Why is she writing you this letter? ( ) A her sociology teacher asked her to send a letter to the past B her science teacher had her send a letter to the future C her science had her send a letter to the past D her sociology teacher asked her to send a letter to the future Listening text Part 1 Hello! Greetings from the future! My name’s Mekanika and I live in the 3044. Well, that’s what you would call it. We call it the year 58 AL. AL means “After Leaving”. You see, 58 years ago, people on the earth decided that they had to do something to save the people on the planet. There are so many people on the earth, and there was so much pollution, that the only way to keep the planet from dying was to send people into space. My family was one of the those ones. About one third of the earth’s population was left back home, and the rest of us went into space. We’re now living in a new city on the


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