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Run Chariot_Inst.exe,按默认路径安装好。 Copy chariot.lic to C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Chariot\ Run gsendw32.exe. Click Next when installing. Select “Don’t install application monitoring support” then click Next. Repeat 1~5 step on another system.然后手动关闭Windows防火墙,并在管理工具(服务中停止Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing(ICS).并手动指定被测板和标准系统的IP地址。比如,被测板的IP地址为:,子网掩码为:,默认网关设为同一局域网网段服务器的IP地址192.168.0.1;标准系统的IP地址为:,子网掩码为:,默认网关也设为同一局域网网段服务器的IP地址192.168.0.1。 Run Chariot Console from one unit(don’t need to run it on two units on the same test time). Click New. Click “Add Pair”. Enter the source IP address (源地址,即被测板的IP地址192.168.0.11)to Endpoint 1 network address, and target IP address(目标地址,即标准系统的IP地址192.168.0.9) to Endpoint 2 network address. Click “Select Script”, double click “Benchmarks” folder. Select “High_Performance_Throughput.scr” then click Open. Click OK. Select Run/Set Run Options. In “How to end a test run”, select “Run for a fixed duration”, then set the test time you want it to test. Click Run. Click the “Throughput” tab. After testing, write down the Pair 1 Average(Mbps) into your test report. If you want test the IPX/SPX, change the setting in step 13. Endpoint 1 please type[Source MAC address], Endpoint 2 please type[Target MAC address], then change the network protocol to “IPX”. 20. Select “Throughput.src” in Script folder. Please notice, the result by “Throughput.scr” script is slower than “High_Performance_Throughput.scr”, so if you want know the result is pass or fail, please compare with other platforms, but you may ask why we don’t use the “High_Performance_Throughput.scr” script to test IPX/SPX, sorry, the script is only for TCP/IP test, because when we try to use that script for test, AP pops a error message to remind user that the script is only for TCP test. That’s all. NETIQ Chariot Test指南 制作人:鑫茂科技(ECSM)深圳有限公司产品验证部 尹学容



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