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3C 绿色变电站时间同步系统智能监测 技术研究及应用分析 杨家全 (云南电网电力研究院,云南昆明,650217 ) 3C Green Substation Time Synchronization System of Intelligent Monitoring Technology Research and Application Analysis Abstract :With the improvement of system intelligent 间同步系统及对时网络的不确定性和复杂性也大幅 in 3C green substation, time synchronization system 增加。时间在智能电网中的作用正从事后的动作顺 and time synchronization network complexity and 序分析向事前过程顺序控制转变,时间的精确度和 uncertainty has increased significantly. In the smart 一致性对于电网来说变得越来越重要。因此,对时 grid effect of time is changing from the action 间同步系统实施实时在线监测,及时掌握系统运行 sequence analysis to advance process control. Time 状态和快速分析故障,是保障系统安全稳定运行的 accuracy and consistency for the power grid is 有效措施,也是对时间同步系统进行全寿命周期管 becoming more and more important. Therefore, the 理的重要环节。本文研究探讨了 3C 绿色变电站时 implementation of real-time on-line monitoring time 间同步系统及对时网络的时间同步状态及其故障的 synchronization system, timely grasping the system 智能监测技术,依据其组网特点和运行维护要求, running state and fast fault analysis, effective measures 提出智能监测的技术解决方案,为 3C 绿色变电站 to guarantee the stability and security of the system, 的时间同步系统运行、维护及全寿命周期管理提供 but also is an important part of the life cycle 重要的的技术支撑手段。 management of time synchronization system. This 关键词:绿色电网 3C 绿色变电站 时间同步系统 paper discusses the on-line monitoring technology of 智能监测 一体化信息平台 3C green substation time synchronization system and network state and faults. Combined with the 1 前言 characteristics and operation of 3C green substation 绿色电网即将成为南方电网在智能电 time synchronization system maintenance, this paper 网建设中的发展方向,其定义为运用先进的 presents the intelligent monitoring technology 计 算 机 技 术 ( Comput


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