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Student Evaluation Form FOR CLASSROOM BASED INSTRUCTION (Note: This form has been formatted for computer scoring capabilities and may be modified to suit each Faculty’s requirements) PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS FORM Please record ALL of your answers on the general purpose data sheet (form no. 19543) that is provided, using a no. 2 pencil only. Under “Name” (on form no. 19543), please PRINT the instructor’s name, the course number, the section, and the semester (i.e. J. Smith, XXXX 1101 Sec. 001, WINTER 200X). Please refrain from filling out the “ID Number” or indicating your name, as this survey must remain CONFIDENTIAL and will be anonymous. Completed data sheets will be collected and submitted to the appropriate program area in a sealed envelope – Thank you. To the Student The quality of instruction offered by faculty at Douglas College is enhanced when instructors receive formalized feedback from students that they are able to incorporate into their subsequent teaching activities. For this reason, you are asked to complete this form indicating your assessment of instruction you received in this course. Comments are often the most valuable part of this feedback, and you are encouraged to fill in the comments section. Evaluations will be kept confidential and will not be read by the faculty member until final grades for the course are submitted Following is a list of statements about good teaching practice with sample indicator/evidence for your consideration. Each of the statements requires a response on a scale of five: A = Strongly Agree B = Agree C = Neutral D = Disagree E = Strongly Disagree (indicate on the computerized scoring form no. 19543) Information About the Instruction in this Course The instructor encourages ongoing learning clearly related to course objective as evidenced by: giving clear information about the goals and learning objectives of this course (in the first week of class). A B C D E 2. The instructor encourages



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