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和大家分享自己整理的考试作文模板和必备用词! A分析现象类? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? B对立观点类 一、开头段 . f$ V0 W, o- z6 k( LA:4 _8 C$ q* Q( C- e As a matter of fact, the issue of whether/ the phenomenon that/ the issue that??________________________is a complex and controversial(复杂的) one. On one hand, many people may feel that ___1____,and correspondingly(相关的)____解释1______; on the other hand, it can be noted that ____2_______and hence (因此)___2的结果_. There is no universal answer to this question; so different people can hold different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and values. As far as I am concerned, while I agree that under some circumstances___1____, ___2___, is somehow reasonable, however my opinion is that ____________ and it can be greatly substantiated by the reasons addressed below. 5 Z N, [5 r i6 W ?. m |! A. y7 Y* x K0 i B: 8 o- T, @+ ?+ w R0 p( L. e9 y; j1)? ?? ?the speaker asserts that____复述或解释题目观点______,Although the speaker’s position is not wholly insupportable, far more compelling arguments can be made for ________自己的观点___________ ! o0 Q M1 E1 l# F1 N# Y$ n* d2)? ?? ?the issue of whether to ____复述_____ is a complex one, since it involves a conflict between our interest in ___doing___ and a legitimate need to ____do____. In my point of view, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of two key factors. 0 l# @, m3 x! f1 Y. V 6 J( r9 \7 L/ a* s0 t7 BTOPIC: : f) o, W5 a: ?8 Y. W. h1)? ?? ?Since I _______________, I prefer to ___________________. {/ F( x, z9 p9 U; F$ j2)? ?? ?In the past, I have often been pleasantly surprised by_________; therefore, I would rather ____________________. 0 f7 P+ D??_7 H9 Z??N) O5 @3)? ?? ?While there still exist ___________________,our resources/attention should be focused here not in other place. 4 f% l5 F: m, f! |??p2 T4 ` y4)? ?? ?If you define ____题目中你认为不对的观点_____, then I would gave to agree that today.# t2 w4 d/ O: Q( \/ j [ 5)? ?? ?______结果______is important to me, so I would prefer to _____观点______. 6 F% w3 O; z M/ g1 }2 ~ y #


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