七下Unit 4Microsoft Word 文档.doc

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七下Unit 4Microsoft Word 文档

Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A 1、turn on【用法】意为“打开,旋开(电灯、煤气、自来水、无线电等)”,turn off?关上 ????注意:“开(关)门、窗、盒子”等用动词open和close。 ??1. It’s too dark.. Please turn on the light.?太黑了,请开灯吧。 2. Please turn off the TV when you leave the room.? 【考查点】短语辨析:turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”,其反义词组为turn off; turn down?意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低”,其反义词组为turn up。 注:on, off, up, down都是副词,后接代词作宾语时,代词要放在副词的前面。 The radio is very loud. Can you turn it down a little, please? 1. Please?????????the TV. It’s time for the evening news. ????A. turn on??????????????B. turn off??????????????C. turn down??????????D. turn up 2. Don’t do any other things while you are doing your homework. So please?????????your MP3.??A. turn up???B. turn down???????????C. turn on???????D. turn off 3.?─Don’t you think her radio is too noisy? ─Yes, I’ll go and ask her to?????????. ????????A. turn it up???????B. turn it on???????C. turn it over???????????D. turn it down 4. Please?????????the light when you leave the room. ??????A. turn on?????B. turn down?????C. turn off????????????????D. turn up 2.peel“剥,削(水果的皮)”,其后既可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即peel sb. sth.?或peel sth. for sb.,意为“给某人削(剥)果皮”。 1). I often help my mother peel potatoes.?我经常帮妈妈削土豆。 2). Please peel a banana for me. = Please peel me a banana.?请帮我剥一个香蕉。 3)Your brother is very young. Please peel an orange?????????him. A. to?????????????????B. for????????????????C. with??????????????D. of 4). Before we eat bananas, we should?????????them first. ??????A. cut???????????????????B. mix???????????????C. peel??????????????D. check 3.pour v.,”?倒,?往…倒,?倾泻”。常用短语及句型有:pour down“大雨倾盆而下”、pour…into…“把……倒进……”、pour sth for sb=pour sb sth 1) She poured some orange juice into my glass.?她往我的杯子里倒了些橘子汁。 ?2) Would you like to pour me a cup of coffee, please.?请给我倒一杯咖啡好吗? 3) The rain is pouring down.?天正在下倾盆大雨. She p______ herself another cup of tea just now.? ??2、cut up“切碎”,是由“动词+副词”构成的动词短语,代词作宾语时只能放在中间,名词作宾语时既可放在其中间也可放在副词up的后面。 ?1). This watermelon is too b


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