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24 12 V o.l 24 No. 12 E lectrop lating F in ish ing 电镀产品质量的抽样检验 ! GB /T 12609 新版标准的应用 1 1, 2 张德忠, 贾建新 ( 1. 武汉材料保护研究所, 湖北武汉 4300 30; 2. 全国金属与非金属覆盖层标准化技术委 会秘书处, 湖北武汉 430030 : 结合 GB /T 12609新版标准的内容, 介绍了电镀产品 , , , 的抽样检验程序检验的实施以及检验 的处置对新标准 中检验批和批量, 缺陷和不合格品类型, 批质量水平的表示, , 接收质量限, 检验水平等指标进行了解释重点阐述了抽样 方案的确定方法和抽样方式的选择同时, 深入讨论了关于 [ 1] 孤立批和连续批的理解和应用 : 电镀; 产品质量; 抽样检验; 标准 , , : TQ 153 : B , : 1004 - 227X ( 2005 12- 0065- 05 , , Sam pling inspection by attributes of electroplating pro ducts! Application of the latest edition of GB /T12609 , , / / ZHANG D ezhong, JIA Jianx in Abstract: A ccord ing to the latest ed ition of GB /T 12609, , samp ling procedu res for in spection by attribu tes of electro p lating p rodu cts, mi p lem entation of the inspect ion asw ell as [ 2] d isposal after insp ect ion w ere described. Insp ection lot and 1990 lot s ize, typ es of defect and reject, express ion of th e quality ( G B /T of insp ection lot, accep tance quality lmi it, in spection level [ 3, 4 ] 12609 - 1990, ISO4 519 - 19 80 in the latest standard w ere exp lained. Samp ling p lans and , m ethods of sam p ling w ere m ain ly expounded. M oreover, it w as d iscu ssed in d etail how to understand isolate


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