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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 92年2月gre考试阅读真题解析(A)-智课教育旗下智课教 育 新gre考试阅读中对于逻辑题的考生是一个重点,但真题也不容错 过。复习gre考试阅读的时候,gre考生应该以往年的真题为复习材料, 从真题中总结阅读规律和特点才是制胜法宝。 新gre考试阅读中对于逻辑题的考生是一个重点,但真题也不容错 过。接下来的几天给大家整理了历届gre考试阅读真题及解析,下面这 篇是1992年2月gre考试阅读真题SECTION A部分。复习gre考试阅读 的时候,gre考生应该以往年的真题为复习材料,从真题中总结阅读规 律和特点才是制胜法宝。 The more that is discovered about the intricate organization of the nervous system, the more it seems remarkable that genes can successfully specify the development of that system. Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere of the brain each of a human’s 1011 neurons should occupy, let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes. For such reasons, we can assume that there must be an important random factor in neural development, and in particular, that errors must and do occur in the development of all normal brains. The most vivid expression of such errors occurs in genetically identical (isogenic) organisms. Even when reared under the same conditions, isogenic organisms are rarely exact copies of one another, and their differences have revealed much about the random variations that result from (result from: v.由...产生) an organism’s limited supply of genetic information. In isogenic Daphniae, for example, even though the position, size, and branching pattern of each optic neuron are remarkably constant, there is some variability in connectivity, and the number of synapses varies greatly. This variability is probably the result of random scatter beyond the resolution of genetic control and is best termed “imprecision,” since its converse, the degree of clustering about a mean, is conventionally, called “precision.” Imprecision should be distinguished from developmental mistakes: wrongly migrated neurons, incorrect connections, and the like. To use a computer analogy, minor rounding-off errors occur universally and are analogous to imprecis



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