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美国高等教育论文:1910至2010百年间美国高等教育作为公共产品与社会变迁相互作用之探析 【中文摘要】美国高等教育是美国社会文化的一面镜子,透过这面镜子我们可以清楚看到美国社会文化变迁的种种反映。在美国,高等教育与社会的关系一直是人们讨论的话题。尤其,在美国高等教育发展扩张中,其社会作用一直是人们讨论的中心。本文的在于探讨过去百年间美国高等教育与社会之间的相互作用。美国社会的发展不断地塑造影响美国高等教育。反之,美国高等教育也对美国社会发展进步起着积极的作用。而且,美国高等教育作为公共产品的本质是解析其发展变化的关键。因此,本文着重分析美国高等教育作为公共产品所发挥的作用。本文聚焦在1910到2010年这段时期,从历史的角度进行分析,因为这段时期是美国高等教育及其社会变化最大、进步最快的时期。无论美国高等教育和社会如何发展变化,高等教育作为公共产品服务于社会的本质从未改变。不仅如此,这种本质在过去百年间得以不断巩固。而且,在不同历史时期因为不同的社会变化及趋势有着不同反映方式。尽管在不同时期有着不同的侧重点,美国高等教育一直发挥着其社会职能,其中包括培训劳动力、教育公民、增强社会流动性、解决涉及种族、性别、年龄的各种社会问题、促进社会平等公正。事实上,正是其作为一种公共利益的本质决定了美国高等教育服务社会的方式及其所产生的变化。 【英文摘要】American higher education is a mirror of American society and culture, in which we can see the reflections of all kinds of social and cultural developments and changes. And the relationship between higher education and society has always been a topic for discussion in the United States. In particular, higher education抯 role in or responsibility to American society has been the core of the discussion throughout the development and expansion of American higher education. This thesis aims to examine the interaction between higher education and American society during the past one hundred years.The development of American society shapes and reshapes American higher education continuously. In return, American higher education also plays a positive role in American social progress and evolvement. And its prominent nature of being a public good is the key to understanding the development and shifts of American higher education. Therefore, this paper places a particular emphasis on analyzing the role of American higher education as a public good. And the analysis is made from a historical perspective by focusing on the period from 1910 to 2010, because it is in this period that both American higher education and the American society had experienced the greatest shifts and progress.No matter how American higher education and the society evolved, its nature of serving the society as a public good is never



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