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life in the future同步素材(新人教版必修5 unit 3) 词汇学习 master e.g. The dog run to his . It takes a long time to a foreign language. The police failed to catch the man who the whole operation. Hisof the violin was quite exceptional for a child of his age. The battle was fought for of the seas. master (noun) ? 1.主人 The dog run to his master. 那条狗朝它的主人跑去。 2.专家 a master builder 建筑大师 3.硕士学位 master’s degree (also 亦作 master’s) (verb) 1.掌握;精通It takes a long time to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语需花一段很长时间。 control sth.: to master a situation mastermind (n./v.)主谋 The police failed to catch the man who masterminded the whole operation.警方未能拘捕策划整个行动的幕后主谋。 masterpiece noun[c] 杰作;名著;代表作 mastery noun[u] 1. mastery (of sth)熟练;精通 His mastery of the violin was quite exceptional for a child of his age. 以他这个年纪的孩子来说,他拉小提琴的熟练程度很突出。 2.mastery(of/over sb/sth) 控制;驾驭 The battle was fought for mastery of the seas. 这场战斗是为了争夺海域控制而进行的。 ? sight e.g. He lost his in the war. We flew over Paris and had our first of the Eiffel tower. She didn’t let the child out of her . When you come to New York, I’ll show you the . At first it looked like solid gold. The soldiers were ordered to shoot the enemy on . I caught of the man at the end of the street. A peace settlement is in. We mustn’t lose if our original aims. After many weeks at sea, they land. sight(noun) ? 1.[u]视力 He lost his sight in the war.(=he became blind) 2.sight of sb/sth 看见 We flew over Paris and had our first sight of the Eiffel tower. 我们飞越巴黎,第一次看到埃菲尔铁塔。 3.[u]视野 She didn’t let the child out of her sight. 她不让孩子走出自己的视线之外。 4.sights 名胜 When you come to New York I’ll show you the sights. 你到纽约来时,我带你游览名胜。 [idioms] at first glance/sight 乍一看At first sight it looked like solid gold. at/on sight一看到 The soldiers were ordered to shoot the enemy on sight. 士兵奉命一见敌人就开枪。 catch sight/a glimpse of sb/sth 瞥见 I caught sight of the man at the end of the street. in sight 即将发生 A peace settlement is in sight. 和平解决在望。 know sb by sight 认得某


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