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加强城市卫生管理是建设文明城市的前提 摘 要:城市环境卫生管理体现城市的综合管理水平及整体竞争能力,因而相关部门应认真分析城市的特点,针对具体情况采取有效的对策,制定相应的管理措施,使城市管理水平得到更大程度的提高。本文对城市环境卫生管理的途径进行了研究。 Pick to: the city environmental health management reflect the comprehensive management level of a city and the overall competition ability, so relevant departments should carefully analyze the characteristics of the city, according to the specific circumstances take effective countermeasures to formulate management measures, make the urban management level have more improved. In this paper, the urban environmental sanitation management approach is studied. 关键词:环境卫生;管理;途径 Key words: environmental health; Management; Way to   前言 preface   近年来,各个城市以全国文明城市创建为契机,积极探索市容环境卫生长效管理机制,都取得了明显成效。如实行生活固废处理、餐厨垃圾收运、“三乱”清除、道路清扫保洁等市场化运作机制;推广实施市容环境卫生责任区管理制度;开展文明示范路段创建;不断深化行政执法机制创新,推进行政执法综治化,提高城管执法效率;逐步形成职责明确、协作配合的长效机制,在城市环境综合治理中,既要清理、拆除不符合规定的建筑和设施,又要充分考虑群众的切身利益,科学规划,合理布局,解决好群众买菜难、吃早餐难、垃圾处理难等实际问题,真正做到将创建过程变成为群众办实事、办好事的过程,为城市环境卫生管理工作的有效推进提供了保障。 In recent years, the cities with the national civilized city create as an opportunity to actively explore the citys appearance environment health long-term management mechanism, has achieved obvious results. Such as domestic solid waste treatment, eat hutch garbage collector, SanLuan clear, the road sweeping cleaning, market-oriented operation mechanism; To promote the citys appearance environment health area management system; To carry out the civilization demonstration sections to create; Deepening administrative law enforcement mechanism innovation, promote the administrative law enforcement ZongZhi, improve the efficiency of urban management law enforcement; Gradually form the long-term mechanism of responsibilities clear, coordinated, in urban environment comprehensive treatment, both to cleaning, dismantling is not in conformity with the provisions of the building and facilities, and to give full consideration to the interests of the masses, scientific planning, rational layout, solve the populace to buy food,


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