Enhancing Self - Esteem提高自尊.ppt

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Enhancing Self - Esteem提高自尊

11/15/2004 GMU Course 17448 Enhancing Self – Esteem 增强自尊 GMU 17448 Welcome Introduction 欢迎及介绍 Name tag 名牌 Facilitator self-introduction 培训师自我介绍 Participant introduction: name, question about enhancing self-esteem do you want answered today? 学员介绍:姓名,今天希望在本课解答的问题? Participants find out one thing about 3 people 学员找到其他三人的一件事情 Valuing differences (culture differences in greetings) 差异存在的价值(打招呼时的文化差异) High self-esteem can be learned, so let’s begin to learn how 自尊是可以学到的,现在让我们开始学习 Objectives – Section 1 目标- 第一部分 Identify the characteristics and origins of healthy self-esteem and its effect on behavior 明确健康的自尊的特点及其来源,对行为的影响 Recognize and avoid self-destructive behavior that comes from negative thinking 认识并避免由负面思维引起的自我破坏性的行为 Learn techniques for building self-esteem 学习建立自尊的技巧 Perform real-world exercises that will incrementally build self-esteem and improve work performance 进行实例练习,快速建立自尊并提高业绩 Section 1 Agenda 第一部分时间安排 Welcome and Introductions 欢迎及介绍 Objectives 目标 Agenda 时间表 Comfort Zone 舒适区 Self-Esteem Development 自尊的开发 Define Self-Esteem 定义自尊 Circle of Control, Influence, and Concern 控制,影响和关心圈 Self-Esteem Inventory 自尊库存 Sense of Self: Journey to Self-Esteem 自我认识:自尊的旅程 The Masks We Wear 我们戴的面具 The Power of Negative Thinking 负面思维的力量 Defeating the Inner Critic – Self-Talk Journal 打败内心的自我批评- 自我说服的日志 Positive Affirmation Exercise 正面的肯定练习 Norms 规则 Raised hands for focus 举手发言 No zingers 没有辩论 Ask for what you need 随意提问 Help with housekeeping 保持教室卫生 Stretch your comfort zone 走出舒适区 Turn off / mute cell phones 手机关掉或放振动 Have fun …Energy follows focus 开心,充满活力 Any others you want to add???? 还有要增加的吗? Comfort Zone Four Types of Fear 四个类型的畏惧 Unfounded Fear – Even with facts we stay fearful (fear of flying) 没来由的畏惧- 即使面对事实还是恐惧(害怕飞) Borrowed Fear – We use the fears of others to justify our fears (others performance appraisal conversation) 借来的恐惧- 用他人害怕的理由来判断我们也会害怕(他人业绩考评的谈话) Fear of the Unknown – We fear things we don’t have enough information about (dark, monsters) 害怕不知道的- 对我们没有足够认知的事情害怕(黑暗,怪



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