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Stressed 和stressful stressful 指形容事物 adj.1.产生压力的 2.使紧迫的 stress 指形容人有压力的 n.重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音 vt.着重, 强调, 重读前者形容“物”,后者形容“人” I am working in a . I am stressed by the stressful job . lose lost loss 单词 词性 中文释义 词组 ? ? ? ? ? lose ? ? ? ? ? 动词 失去,丧失; 输掉; 把(机会)错过; lose one’s life丧生 lose one’s way 迷路; lose oneself 迷路; lose oneself in沉湎于 lose weight 减肥 lose face丢脸 lose heart泄气,灰心 lose your mind丧失理智 lose your voice失声 lose touch with sb失去联系 ? lost 形容词 动词(lose的过去式,过去分词) 丢失的 迷路的 a lost wallet遗失的钱包 a lost child迷路的小孩 get lost迷路 lost in thought沉思中 loss 名词 失去 the loss of ……的失去 ??◇词典例句: 1.???????? Mike lost his job last year. 2.???????? The family lost everything when their home burned down. 3.???????? I’ve lost my bag. Have you seen it? 4.???????? He lost his sight in an accident. 5.???????? She lost her son in a car accident. 6.???????? The keys are lost somewhere in the house. 7.???????? Martin was lost in thought and did not hear the door open. ◇选用lose,lost,loss填空: 1.???????? He lost his job. 2.???????? She has lost interest in her work. 3.???????? I lost my watch somewhere. 4.???????? You cannot lose yourself in computer games. 5.???????? He reported the loss of his wallet to the police. 6.???????? He lost his way in the snowstorm. 7.???????? They lost their son in the park. 8.???????? I was very sad at the loss of my dog. 9.???????? We lost the game yesterday. 10.???? He lost himself in reading. 11.???? The fat boy wanted to lose weight. ?Close closely (1)燾lose燼dj.?sn靠近;接近;亲密;密切???????短语:get/be?close?to?靠近;亲近? The?church?is?close?to?the?shops.?Are?you?a?close?friend?of?theirs?? (2)?close?adv.?靠近;接近?(表具体意义)?????短语:hike/walk/run/sit/stand?close?to...? He?was?standing?close?to?the?door.?(3)?close?v.?关上;关闭(不开发);结束?She?closed?her?eyes.?/?Her?eyes?closed.?(闭上)?(4?)?closely?adv.?紧密地;仔细地;密切地(表抽象意义)?He?got?closely?in?touch?with?the?magazines?of?today.?The?little?baby?was?closely?looked?after?by?her.? [比较]? (1)?close?与?closely?作副词时,close含具体之意,closely?含抽象之意。?(2)?类似的词组有?high?(高)?


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