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福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业二 、单选题(共?50?道试题,共?100?分。) V 1.??—You have lovely children. —_______________. A. No, no, no. They are not B. Oh, no, no C. Youre talking too much D. Thanks ??????满分:2??分 2.??A student, ____________ name I dont know, came to see me. A. that B. who C. whose D. whom ??????满分:2??分 3.??—May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting an hour already. —_________. A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go on C. Here you are, sir D. Of course, sir ??????满分:2??分 4.??When you read a book in a hurry, you can _________ some less important details. A. leave B. skid C. skip D. skin ??????满分:2??分 5.??The more he tried to help her,____________she seemed to appreciate it. A. less B. the less C. the least D. the lesser ??????满分:2??分 6.??His tone ___________ his real feelings more truly than his words. A. brought B. conveyed C. handed D. fetched ??????满分:2??分 7.??Whenever she asks____help , he is always ready to help. A. with B. for C. in D. to ??????满分:2??分 8.??I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A. no possibility B. there was impossibility C. impossible D. it impossible ??????满分:2??分 9.??I was sure ____________I would overcome all these difficulties. A. what B. that C. which D. whether ??????满分:2??分 10.??Id rather you____________make any comment on the issue for the time being. A. dont B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. didnt ??????满分:2??分 11.??The time will come ____________ man can fly he likes in the universe. A. how ... where B. when ... wherever C. where ... where D. what ... which ??????满分:2??分 12.??This year the farmers have produced twice ____________grain____________they did last year. A. as less ... as B. fewer ... than C. as much ... as D. as many ... as ??????满分:2??分 13.??Liu Fang studies much better than ____________student in his class. A. any B. any other C. the other D. other ??????满分:2??分 14.??____________you dont like him is none of my business. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether ??????满分:2??分 15.??If I ____you, I would


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