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Chapter three EC 翻译技巧例句补充 一、 Amplification and Omission: grammatical 单复数问题 《马》: Horses, 月出惊山鸟 主语的增词: 要提倡顾全大局:We advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation in consideration. 人民犯了法也要受处罚,蹲班房。:Anyone among people who 外位结构:这 指称明确: 西伯牺牲了。她是一名记者,却是以一个战士的身份在战场上牺牲的;她是一个欧洲人,却是在中国的抗日战场上牺牲的。:Shippe died. She was a journalist who shed her blood as a solider and an European who died in the battlefield in China. : contextual/collocational 为了增进理解和友谊, 我们鼓励两国年轻人互访: In order to promote mutual understanding and friendship, we encourage young people in both countries to visit each other. 由于我国市场体系的原因,------:Owing to the incompleteness of our country’s system. 正式的学校教育: formal education 家用电子产品: household electronics 道德:moral integrity 两国人民友谊和合作的动人事迹还历历在目。:I remember so well so many touching stories about the profound friendship and good cooperation between the two peoples. 中国有一句古诗:“结交一言重,相期千里至”。I can quote one fitting ancient Chinese poem to describe our meeting: “Good friends highly value their words. They travel a thousand li to keep their promise for a gathering. 我们(希望美方)应当采取有利于台海局势和平与稳定的实际行动。We hope that the US side would take practical measures that is conductive to the maintenance of peace and stability for Taiwan Strait. 破坏国家和平统一:undermine the prospects for peaceful reunification 不能在元旦责骂女佣:Even the humblest maid have the right not to be scolded on New Year’s Eve. 他们希望明年年底以前控制住物价: to curb the rise of price 董事会要开会对公司进行评估:The board of directors is to meet to evaluate the performance of the company. cultural 一旦彼此见了礼, 归坐献茶: after an exchange of bows and verbal salutations 贫下中农:impoverished peasants and lower-middle-income peasants an untenable redemptive theology: 这种让人没法拥护的供奉上帝来赎罪的观念 他跟着父亲从徐州到扬州奔丧: 党老爷:You are a party man------one of the elite Assignment Armchair Warrior (3) 二、话题语的转换: 他们违反了赫尔辛基条约,在本国侵犯基本人权,使他们受到了全世界爱好和平的人的谴责。Their abuse of basic human rights in violation of Helsinki Agreement earned the condemnation of the peace-loving people in the world. 我们听不到一点声音: Not a sou


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