Key_RWorksheet B1(更新).doc

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Key_RWorksheet B1(更新)

Key to Reading Worksheet Book 1 Unit 1 II. bejewel(l)ed 2. belittled 3. befouled 4. beloved 5. belated III. kneed 2. notice 3. haven 4. evil 5. In IV. 当我离开餐馆时,迎面遇到两个人向我要钱。(confront) When I left the restaurant, I was confronted by two men who asked me for money. 他所说的话深深触动了她的心弦。(touch) What he said (His words) deeply touched her heart (touched her deeply). 和自己心爱的人分手是不容易的。(part) It’s not easy to part with one’s beloved (person). 我听到喇叭里在叫我去经理办公室。(summon) I heard myself summoned over the loudspeaker to the manager’s office. 看到那对老夫妻手拉手走回家,是一幅多么动人的画面啊!(hand in hand) What a moving picture that the old couple walk home (homeward) hand in hand! Seeing the old couple walk home hand in hand, I exclaimed, “What a touching scene it is!” 读着妈妈写来的信,她的眼里涌出了泪水。(well up) While she was reading the letter from her mother, tears welled up in her eyes. 那个女孩和她父亲在性格上有许多相似之处。(have … in common) The girl and her father have a lot in common in personality. 老师要求每个小组上交一份调查考试作弊原因的报告。(look into) The teacher asked every group to hand in a report looking into the causes of exam cheating. The teacher required that every group hand in …. 拒绝了数月之后,玛丽最终让步,同意嫁给吉姆了。(give in to) After refusing for months, at last Mary gave in and agreed to marry Jim. 虽然那些珠宝都锁进了保险箱,但是小偷们还是毫不费力地就把它们偷走了。(lock away) Although the jewels were locked away in a strongbox, the thieves stole them without any difficulty. Unit 2 II. screamed 2. dispute 3. adjusted 4. fraction 5. sighing 6. wrinkles 7. still 8. sorrowful 9. superior III. 1. 刘翔目前位列男子110米栏世界纪录首位。(head) Liu Xiang once headed the world record of men’s 110-meter hurdles. 2. 网络搞怪 (kusoing) 之所以流行,是因为很多年轻人觉得它非常可笑,能够缓解压力。(awfully funny) The reason why kusoing on the Internet is so popular is that many young people find it awfully funny and can help them relieve pressures. 3. 看到她没能获得冠军,他感到很失望。(disappoint) He was disappointed to see that she had failed to win the championship. 4. 他来自少数民族,难怪很少有人能把他的名字念正确。(pronounce) He is from a minority nationality (an et


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