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精选替换词1. important ,crucial, significantHe had administrators under him but made the crucial decisions himself. 2.common,universal, prevailing一般的,最普通的The direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account. The project should raise general awareness about bullying. The desire to look attractive is universal. 3. abundant, ample, plentiful充足的Therell be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun. Fish are plentiful in the lake. 4.stick to , adhere, cling to 5.neglect(注意力不够,ignore6.near,adjacent, adjoinThe doctors bedroom adjoined his wifes and the door between the rooms was always open. 7.pursue, seekHe will pursue a trade policy that protects American workers. They have had to seek work as labourers 8.accurate,precise,exact 9.vague,obscure 10.top,peak, summit 11.competitor,rival, opponent 12.blame,condemn,accuse 13.opinon,perspective, standpoint 14.fame,prestige, reputation 15.build,erect, establish 16.insult,humiliate 17.complain,grumble 18.primary,radical,fundamental 19. relieve ,alleviateDrugs can relieve much of the pain. Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain. 20.force , compel 21.enlarge ,magnify 22.complex ,intricate...the production of carpets with highly intricate patterns. 23. Lonely,solitary Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man. 保罗是个腼腆的、讨人喜欢的、惯于独处的人24.small,minuscule(very small), minute 25.praise,extol, compliment 26.hard-working,assiduous industrious diligent Podulski had been assiduous in learning his adopted language. 27.difficult,arduous艰苦的We?must?have?patience?in?doing?arduous?work 28.poor(soil),barren, infertile贫瘠的 不生育的29.fragile,brittle, vulnerableBrittle?things?break?easily 30.show ,demonstrate31.big,massive,tremendous,enormous,immense 32.avoid,shunFrom that time forward everybody shunned him. 33.fair,impartialCareer counsellors offer impartial advice, guidance and information to all pupils. 34.attack,assault 猛攻35.dislike,abhor,loatheThey?abhor?all?forms?of?racial?discrimination 36.ruin, devastate destroy


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