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根据英文单词,写出中文意思(20×0.5=10 ,共10分) 英文单词 汉语意思 transistor\ semiconductor fabricate silicon crystal impurity gallium moderate boundary depletion migrate concentration response reverse leakage power succeeding multiply remainder immunity 根据中文意思,写出英文单词(20×0.5=10 ,共10分) 汉语意思 英文单词 锗 (使)过分地单纯化 空间的 临近的,接近的 共价的 棱锥 固有的,内在的,本质的 连接, 交互作用 不平衡 集中,集合,专心 开拓,开发,开采 偏见,偏爱 真空,空间 数字的,用数表示的 阿拉伯数字 二进制的,二进位的 相等的,相当的, 安排,配置,计划,方案 密度 反相器 三、根据英文词组,写出中文意思(20×1=15,20分) fall in in spite of periodic table positive charge P-type Outer electron PN junction P region Number system Numerical value Decimal system Binary system Logic 0 Programmable controller BCD Thumbwheel switch Conversion of number CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) Very Large Scale Integrated circuit 四、根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(10×2=20 20分) 1、an electronic device that restricts current flow chiefly to one direction ( ) 2、a small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as an amplifier, a detector, or a switch ( ) 3、any of various solid crystalline substances, such as germanium or silicon, having electrical conductivity greater than insulators but less than good conductors ( ) 4、a homogenous solid formed by a repeating, 3 dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts.( ) 5、the quality or condition of being impure, especially( ) 6、knowledge of a specific event or situation; intelligence ( ) 7、of or relating to a number or series of numbers ( ) 8、of or relating to a system of numeration having 2 as its base ( ) 9、the number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system ( ) 10、the number left over when one integer is divided by another ( ) 五


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