lesson1 modern heroes教案.doc

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Unit2 Heroes Teaching Plan Lesson1 Modern Heroes Time: Nov8,2015 Teaching time: 45 minutes Content Unit 2 Lesson 1 Teaching aims: 1. To guess the meaning of new words from the context and can read and use them. 2. To practice reading in order to understand the main idea of each paragraph 3. To get and arrange the information about spaceship. 4. To describe the process of the flight and the feelings of Yang by the words and expressions learned in this lesson. 5. To learn the heroic sprit of Yang Liwei. Teaching key points and difficulty: The learning and usage of the reading strategy. The understanding of the text and can use the language points To express their ideas in front of class. Learner outcomes: Students will be able to understand the text totally. Teaching aids: 1. Text (P22-23) 2. Pictures 3. Learning case Teaching Procedures Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities Intentions Step 1 Lead-in Teacher shows a picture of Yang Liwei and asks students what they know about him. T: Do you know who the man is? Where and when did you first hear his name? Can you just imagine being China’s first astronaut in space? Would you enjoy the fame and status of being a celebrity or hero or would you prefer a return to living the life of an ordinary person? Look at the photo and discuss. Lead into the topic. Arouse the students’ interest. Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Teacher shows some pictures of stages of spaceship’s movements, and elicits from students the following expressions: lift off, launch, separate from the rocket, helicopter, collect, land. If necessary, gives hints to help students guess the words. 2. While eliciting the expressions, teacher demonstrates the pronunciation and students practice reading them aloud after teacher. 3. Teacher goes over the pictures again and asks Students to say the words from their memory. 1. Guessing the words by the pictures. 2. Fill the exercise I on the learning case. 3. Read the words after teacher together. 4


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