野草 翻译对比.docx

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一、《野草》原文及英译:原文(节选):野 草 夏 衍有这样一个故事。有人问:世界上什么东西的气力最大?回答纷纭的很,有的说“象”,有的说“狮”,有人开玩笑似的说是“金刚”,金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道。结果,这一切答案完全不对,世界上气力最大的,是植物的种子。一粒种子所可以显现出来的力,简直是超越一切,这儿又是一个故事。人的头盖骨,结合得非常致密与坚固,生理学家和解剖学者用尽了一切的方法,要把它完整地分出来,都没有这种力气,后来忽然有人发明了一个方法,就是把一些植物的种子放在要解剖的头盖骨里,给它以温度与湿度,使它发芽,一发芽,这些种子便以可怕的力量,将一切机械力所不能分开的骨骼,完整地分开了。植物种子力量之大如此,如此。这,也许特殊了一点,常人不容易理解,那么,你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一颗小草的生成吗?它为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志,不管上面的石块如何重,石块与石块之间如何狭,它必定要曲曲折折地,但是顽强不屈地透到地面上来,它的根往土壤钻,它的芽往地面挺,这是一种不可抗拒的力,阻止它的石块,结果也被它掀翻,一粒种子的力量之大如此,如此。?英译版:Wild grass Translator: Liu HongweiThere is a story which goes like this. Someone ever asked “What is the most powerful thing in the world?” There were various answers, someone said “Elephant”, others said “Lion”, even some of them jokingly said “Buddha’s warrior?attendant”. As to how powerful the Buddha’s warrior attendant is, actually, nobody knows.The fact is that these answers are completely wrong,the most powerful thing in the world is the seed of plants. The force displayed by a seed simply surpasses everything. Here is another story.The bones of a human skull are so tightly and firmly joined that no methods could be used by physiologist and anatomist to separate it wholly. Later, a proposal occurs to some people that puts some seeds of the plants in the skull need to be dissected, and then available temperature and?/w/moisturemoisture are provided, which makes the seeds sprout, once these seeds to sprout, it will have a kind of amazing force making human skull separated, any mechanical force fails to do it. How powerful the seed of a plant is!This matter maybe out of understanding of average people. Well, have you ever seen the growth of bamboo shoots? Have you ever seen the growth of the little grasses overwhelmed among the stones and rubbles? In order to realize the willingness that looking forward to getting the sunshine and complete the will desiring to live, the little grasses, winds its body from one side to another side irresistibly, ultimately coming out of the grand stubb


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