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英译汉词汇 第一单元 secret treasures Guatemala Panama Belize Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rice natural beauty nature reserves crater sulphur boon hordes cone-shaped Arenal Volcano rundown come into close contact Maya world cultural heritage World Heritage Committee World Heritage List World Natural Heritage UNESCO 第二单元 environmental movements philosophical ideologies philosophical essence biotic community self-enriching economic dynamics non-profit organization mainstream promising sustainable development put...into practice ecotourism nothing more than in itself in excess of mass tourism Travel Industry Association of America package cost common ground to recognize sth. as champion viable overrun carrying capacity fulfillment overriding vice versa concerted ~ attack the World Wildlife Fund an incredible opportunity rest with 第三单元 beyond question personality capacity succumb stagnation medieval productive powers validity proliferation debilitate dehumanizing paradoxical congestion grapple with a noted stage personality The Wealth of Nations get in/out of rut rut on balance paradoxical effect have every reason to... 第四单元 surge aggregate demand current-account deficit appreciation real exchange rate macroeconomic liberalization dampen volatility at this juncture portfolio valuation conductive to deficit/surplus asymmetry international reserve currencies floating exchange rates sustainability protectionist trade policies multipolar market economies take a different form and character a balanced expansion and deployment blend of adjustment key players to do one`s job sources of finance 第五单元 lean-to grinding poverty letup foreclose overdue stoop labor the Rio Grande deport fall behind weigh(sb.)down(with...) refrain boxcar hobo hobo jungle the Great Depression with no letup in sight patch 第六单元 consign to flair midfielder squad short-track speed skating head the ball home tie the score post-goal dispense put a damper on relegate the World Cup after-thought



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