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英文原版 On the Grasshopper and the Cricket --JohnKeats The poetry of earth, is never dead: When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees,a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new—mown mead; That is the Grasshopper’s—he takes the lead In summer luxury,一he has never done With his delights,for when tired out with fun He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. The poetry of ear this ceasing never: On alone winter evening,when the frost Has wrought a silence.from the stove there shrills The Cricket’s song,in warmth inceasing ever, And seems to one in drowsiness half lost. The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills. 中文翻译: 大地的诗歌/从来/不会死亡: 当/所有的鸟儿/因骄阳而昏晕, 隐藏在/阴凉的林中,就有/一种声音 在/新割的草地/周围的树篱上/飘荡 那就是/蝈蝈的乐音啊!它争先 沉醉于/盛夏的豪华,它从未感到/ 自己的喜悦消逝,一旦/唱得疲劳了, 便舒适地栖息在/可喜的草丛中间。 大地的诗歌呀,从来没有停息: 在/寂寞的冬天/夜晚,当/严霜凝成/ 一片宁静,从/炉边就弹起了/ 蛐蛐的歌儿,在/逐渐升高的暖气, 昏昏欲睡中,人们感到/那声音 仿佛就是蝈蝈/在草茸茸的山上鸣叫。 诗词版译文: 蝈蝈与蛐蛐    济慈 大地富诗意,绵绵无尽期: 日炎鸟倦鸣,林荫且栖息。 竹篱绕绿茵,芳草新刈齐; 其中忽有声,绕篱悠悠起— 原是蝈蝈歌,欢乐渠为首; 仲夏多繁茂,泛若不系舟, 享之不能尽,歌来不知愁; 偶然有倦意,野草丛中休。 大地富诗意,绵绵永不息: 冬夜洵凄清,霜天多岑寂, 此时有灶炉,火焰暖人心。 蟋蟀乘雅兴,引吭吐妙音; 主人嗒然坐,似眠又似醒, 莫非蝈蝈歌,来自远山青 Introduction of the poet John Keats (1795-1821), English romantic poet. From humble beginnings, the young orphan, living in poverty, have been an assistant to the doctor, and his favoriate aspect was literature. In 1816, he published his debut, “O Solitude”. Next year, in 1817, he published the first anthology of poetry, including the renowned “On the Grasshopper and the Cricket ”, from now on, making a figure. In his short life he left behind many famous poems, such as the “Ode To A Nightingale”、“Ode on a Grecian Urm”、“To Autumn”、“Ode on Melancholy”、sonnet “The day is gone” etc. His poetry has rich and colorful fancy, with painting in poetry, and the stereo sense is strong, the color is a kind of eternal beauty, as gentle, beautiful and fantastic quiet moonlight, permea



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