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2013年复旦大学翻译硕士考研真题(回忆版)一、2013年复旦大学翻译硕士考研《翻译硕士英语》真题(回忆版) (满分100分) 20分无选项填空。讲自恋Narcissist。20个空,一分一个,这个不会做,空了很多。 20分改错,继续自恋的那篇文章。一行一个错,一分一行。还是超出了我的实力。 20分的单选。20个,一分一个,挺简单,其中一个题考了cut的短语。什么chut up,cut off。那道题要选cut off,说是要封村子的意思。 15分的阅读。四篇文章。要看好是四篇文章哦!!!前2篇一篇5道题,后两篇3和2。每一篇大约都是一面B5纸多一点。 25分的作文,500字。要你看最后一篇文章,根据BOREDOM写一写。因为最后一篇文章的第一段涉及到了BOREDOM。二、2013年复旦大学翻译硕士考研《翻译基础》真题(回忆版) (满分150分) 没有30分的那个短语翻译。分值分布为70分的英译汉,80分的汉译英。 英译汉我记得第一句是Medichine has always been under pressure to provide the public the explanation for the diseases with which it deals.) 80分的汉译英是复旦大学自己主办的第五届优萌杯的竞赛文章(复旦,你是有多想推广自己的翻译大赛!) 原文: 世有三乐,真乐也。一曰人伦之乐,二曰心地之乐,三曰讲习之乐。孟子曰:“父母俱存,兄弟无故,一乐也。”此人伦之乐也;“仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人,二乐也。”此心地之乐也;“得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。”此讲习之乐也。人伦之乐自父母兄弟之外,妻室欲其同甘苦,子孙欲其师教,宗族欲其和睦,女之适人者欲其得所归结,自人伦而推之,有一败人意则非乐也。心地之乐岂止俯仰无愧怍而已,其道德必与圣贤合、与天地并,可也;道德未同乎圣贤、未同乎天地,不可以已也。讲习之乐何止于得英才而教育,凡学问德行之有胜乎吾者,吾方且师之,虽受人之教育亦乐矣。此三者,天下之真乐。不此之乐,而以外物为乐,乐未一二,而忧已八九。世俗以为乐,识者不贵也。复旦贴出来的参考译文:There are three real delights in the world, derived respectively from human relationships, clear conscience, and teaching and learning. Mencius says, “[A gentleman’s] first delight is that his parents are both alive and his siblings are all well.” This refers to the delight derived from human relationships. “His second delight is that looking up he is not disgraced before Heaven, and looking down he is not ashamed before man.” This describes the delight derived from clear conscience. “His third delight is that the most talented people in the country come to him for instruction.” This is about the delight derived from teaching and learning. In fact, the delight derived from human relationships concerns not merely one’s parents and siblings. He wants his wife to share with him weal and woe, his children and grandchildren to be properly educated, his clansmen to live in harmony, and his daughters to be married into good families. There will be no delight short of total fulfillment of what has just been mentioned. Likewise, the delight coming from clear conscience lies not on


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