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姓名 班级 考号 学校 亲爱的同学们今天是检验你们成果的时候你们可要仔细认真审题好好答题加油八年级英语月考I. 单项选择(共分)( ) 1.Of all the subjects, which do you think is ______? A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important. ( ) 2.______ man in the photo is ____ engineer. A. A, a B. The, a C. An, the D. The , an ( ) 3.-Do you like the country life? -Yes. In the country, there are ____ cars and ______pollution. A. fewer, fewer B. less, less C. less, fewer D. fewer, less ( ) 4. of my parents are middle school teachers. A. All B. Both C. One D. Every ( ) 5. There ____ any good news in today’s newspaper. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t ( ) 6.I don’t mind _______ you with your English.    A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ( )’m going to ______ one or two hobbies next year. A. turn on B. take off C. take up D. take out. ( )8. That sounds ______. A. like good B. like a good plans C. good D. likes a good plan. ( )9. I think everyone should ___ a part ____ caring for the animals. A. play, in B. takes, on C. play, for D. take, for ( ) 10.Although it doesn’t ____me, I still feel sorry. A: have to do with B. have to do about C. has to do with D. has to do about( ) II补全对话,从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(共5分): Do your parents like to watch TV? B: I watched them, too. C: Did you watch TV last night? D: What kind of TV shows do you like? E: I can’t stand it. F: I love it, too. G: I like sports shows. A: Tom, what do you think of Sports News? B: 11._________ I love Animal World. A: 12.___________ What do you think of the host? B: I like him . He is fun and smart. A13._________ B: Yes, they do. They watch news and soap operas every evening. A: 14.___________ B: Yes, I did. I watched sitcoms. A: 15._______ They were



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