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希拉里在2012年世界粮食奖颁奖仪式上的英语演讲 Remarks at the 2012 World Food Prize Laureate Announcement Ceremony By U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Thank you. Thank you, all. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And this is an occasion that we look forward to every year because of the importance of the work that is done to merit such a distinguished prize. And I want to thank you, Jonathan, for leading our efforts here at the State Department and Ambassador Quinn for your continued leadership on behalf of this very pressing issue. 谢谢。谢谢大家。谢谢你们!非常感谢。谢谢你们。这是我们每年都盼望的一个时刻,因为我们的工作意义重大,值得颁发这样一个杰出的奖项。乔纳森,我要感谢你在国务院领导这项工作,还要感谢奎因大使在这个紧迫的问题上继续发挥领导作用。 And it’s a wonderful honor to have with us former presidents. Thank you so much, President Kufuor, for your leadership on this incredibly significant issue. And thank you very much, President Chissano, for your leadership as well. We are proud to be partnering with both Ghana and Mozambique. I also want to add my word of welcome to former Congressman Jim Leach, and my friend and colleague Congressman Leonard Boswell. It’s not an accident that they’re from Iowa. (Laughter.) And I’m pleased that we could have with us the representation of the Israeli Embassy. I thank you very much, Charge – Ambassador Binah for being with us. And I want to recognize in absentia John and Janis Ruan, the generous sponsors of the World Food Prize, who were unable to join us here today. 今天有两位前任总统在座,我们感到很荣幸,这非常难得。库福尔总统,非常感谢您在这个重大问题上发挥领导作用。希萨诺总统,也十分感谢您所发挥的领导作用。我们很荣幸能与加纳和莫桑比克合作。我也要向前任国会议员吉姆·利奇和我的朋友和同事众议员莱昂纳德·博斯韦尔表示欢迎。他们都来自艾奥瓦州,这并不意外。(笑声) 我很高兴,今天在座的还有以色列大使馆的代表。非常感谢您光临,比那大使。我还要感谢今天缺席的约翰和贾尼斯·阮夫妇,他们是世界粮食奖慷慨的赞助人,今天因故不能参加我们的盛会。 Our newest laureate, as Ambassador Quinn just revealed, is a master of applying new thinking to old problems. In that sense, he truly is following in the footsteps of the founder of the World Food Prize, Dr. Norman Borlaug. And I love Jonathan’s “I love Norman” button. You are here because you already know that Dr. Borlaug launched th


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