FLTRT cup演讲主持人串词2.doc

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FLTRT cup演讲主持人串词2

2012 “TLTRPCup” National English Speaking Contest USST Final Contest [Before Start] 各位观众朋友,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,请您尽快就座。请关掉您的手机或者调为震动。请不要随意走动,不要大声喧哗,谢谢您的合作。 Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode. Please do not walk around or speak loudly during the competition. Thank you for your cooperation. [Opening address] M: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2012 “FLTRP Cup” National English Speaking Contest. I’m (host’s name) from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. And this is our hostess (hostess’ name). F: Thank you, (host’s name). It is my great honor to co-host today’s contest. The “FLTRP Cup” National English Speaking Contest was initiated by China Central Television and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Over the past 11 years, it has been dedicated to the improvement of students’ communicative abilities in English. M: It will select the best English public speakers to participate in the Semi-final of 2012 “FLTRP Cup” National English Speaking Contest. Now I am honored to present you the prestigious guests. They are: F: (name , title ) M: (name , title ) F: Ladies and gentlemen, today’s competition will be mediated by a panel of 7 judges. They are: M: (name 1, title 1) F: (name 2, title 2) M: (name 3, title 3) F: (name 4, title 4) M: (name 5, title 5) F: (name 6, title 6) M: (name 7, title 7) F: (name 8, title 8) M: (name 9, title 9) F: (name 10, title 10) M: Let’s give all our judges a warm welcome. Now I am honored to invite the Deputy Dean of the college of foreign languages--- Ms. Liu Qin to make the opening address. 下面有请上海理工大学外语学院副院长刘芹女士为比赛致开幕辞,大家欢迎。 [The speech from Ms. Liu.] F: Thank you, Ms. Liu. M: Today is the final stage of this qualifying competition in USST. The 15 winners from the preliminary contest will display their talents for communication in English to win the place in the final. We believe the


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