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2013届 保送生培训写作 立场选择型 问题解决型 给定观点型 比较对比型 漫画 二:热门写作话题: 文化教育 生活就业 环境保护 经济发展 社会焦点 现代科技 运动与健康 三:快速写作流程及标准 1.审文章类型和体裁 2.据所给信息构思文章框架并列出提纲 3.写作过程:A. 句子的使用多样化,长短句交替,是文章有层次感 B. 开篇和结尾要有特色 C. 文章整体结构平衡,每段句子的数量控制 D. 一两句格言和谚语 5. 词汇句型运用丰富 4.设计语篇:主题明确,层次清晰,段落衔接,内容切题 5.设计段落:中心突出,句式多变,词汇丰富 6.拼写及语法:单词拼写,标点符号,时态的一致,主谓,人称及各种词汇的应用是否正确,词组短语的搭配是否恰当等 四: 写作高级句式的语法基础 定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句 非谓语动词 固定句型 倒装 强调句型 五:写作高分装备——常用句式 说明现状 说明原因和结果 说明方法和措施 表明不同看法 表示比较与对照 用于文章开头 用于文章结尾 六:常用表达句式: 1. How to express people’s ponit of view: Sb+ assert/advocate/ assume/believe/ claim/insist that… Sb+ hold the opinion/view/point of view..+that… The idea/view/point of view of sb is that…… It is the idea/view/point of view of sb + that… It is (universally/ widely/ generaaly/ extensively) held/deemed/acknowledged/believed/considered thought that… 2. How to express people’s conssession Others + 观点动词 But/however, nevertheless,while, wheraes, towards the same issue, there are also many people who believe/…. On othe other hand, towards the same issue, others hold the view that … Some other people stand on the opposite position/ a different ground. They + V…that 3. How to express your own points In my view/opinion/point of view/perspective As for me/ for my part/ to my part/ from my point of view/ perspective Personally, I hold that… I do strongly support the idea that With views of both sides considered, I think that… I hold theb opinion that… When facing this issue/ faced with this issue, I find confort in the idea that… I totally/absolutely/whole-heartedly/completely/fully + agree with/ approve of the former/latter point of view/consent to/share/ vote for/side with/stand on/ be the same with/identical with…/be in favour of/ take side with/ tend to favour.. 4. Note: Conclusions Failed conclusions: 1)画蛇添足 2)空喊口号 3)表决心 Optional conclusions 1) Restate thesis 2) summarize arguments 3) concluding statement/offering or recommendations (optional) Signal words: Based on the points outlined above, from


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