英美文学 Microsoft Word 文档.doc

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英美文学 Microsoft Word 文档

The genres of Literature: Poetry, Novel, Essay, Drama Requirements: 1. Historical and literary Background: literary trend/movement, literary schools 2. Literary terms 3.The life story of the writers 4. The selected works: in poetry, we pay attention to the theme, the rhyme scheme, figures of speech and the images ; in the novel, we focus on the following aspects: the theme(the controlling idea), story, setting, plot, characters(protagonist and antagonist), point of view, tone, techniques. In Drama, we need to know: stage, performance, actor/tress, action, speech(dramatic monologue), audience. In Essay: formal and informal/familiar essay. III. Reference Books: 1.刘炳善 《英国文学简史》河南人民出版社/上海外语教育出版社 2.陈嘉《英国文学史》,《英国文学作品选读》商务印书馆 3.吴伟仁 《英国文学史及选读》外研社 4.张伯香 《英国文学教程》武汉大学出版社 5.南京大学王守仁及北大罗经国等相关著作 6.王佐良主编 《英国文学名篇选注》商务印书馆 7.常耀信 南开大学出版社 IV. A survey of English Literature: The Anglo-Saxon or Old English period(450-1066) The Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1350) The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400) The Revival of Learning (1400-1550) The Age of Elizabeth(1550-1620) The Puritan Age(1620-1660) The Period of the Restoration (1660-1700) The Literature of the 18th century (1700-1800) Enlightenment movement: realism; neo-classicism.,sentimentalism, gothic novels The Age of Romanticism (1800-1850) The Victorian Age-- critical realism (1850-1901) The Literature of the 20th century. Modernism Lecture 1 Anglo-Saxon/Old English Period Feature: a verse literature in oral form I. Historical Background: 1. Roman Conquest(55 BC--450) 2. English Conquest(450-1066)(Anglo-Saxon conquest) – beginning of English literature/ Anglo-Saxon Poetry: 1.Religious/Christian poetry Caedmon: father of English song, the first English known religious poet. “The Hymn of Praise” Cynewulf: the greatest Anglo-Saxon poet except the unknown composer of Beowulf. “Christ” “Juliana”, “the Fates of the Apostles” 2. Pagan/secular Poetry: a. .the story of Beowulf p.4-p.5 b. .the three parts: the fight against monster Grendel


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