新编英语教程 3 Unit 10 Keep Class 2 under Your Thumb.doc

新编英语教程 3 Unit 10 Keep Class 2 under Your Thumb.doc

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Unit ten Keep Class 2 under Your Thumb Teaching objectives 1. to be familiar with the employment of striking contrast ,vivid similes and metaphors in narration 2. to know how a young inexperienced stand-in teacher attempts to control a class that frightened away a succession of teachers Teaching procedure I. Pre-reading questions 1. What is the meaning of “keep somebody one’s thumb”? 2. Tell each other your own experiences of your being a student and a teacher. 3. What should be the appropriate relation between teachers and students? II. Background Knowledge Give more phrases related to thumb thumb (拇指), index (食指), middle (中指), ring(无名指), pinky (little finger 小指,尾指) thumb (ones) nose: To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.作蔑视的手势:把或似把拇指放在鼻子上并摆动其它手指以表示批评或嘲弄 The No. 1 fugitive practically thumbed his nose at authorities for more than 40 years. thumb a ride: hitchhikers usually put their thumb out as cars pass by, indicating that they need a ride. (在美国)要搭顺风车的人通常翘起拇指表示他要搭顺风车,所以thumb a ride的意思就是搭顺风车。 Ill thumb a ride to the movies and meet you there. have a green thumb: be good at gardening I guess I dont have much of a green thumb: every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in my backyard but all I ever get is a lot of weeds. stick out like a sore thumb:be very different from other people or things around them Im not going to the party dressed like this, Id stick out like a sore thumb. thumbs down: An expression of rejection, refusal, or disapproval. My new hairstyle got the thumbs down from my family. thumbs up: An expression of approval, success, or hope. The project had been given the thumbs up and we could now get started. be all thumbs: clumsy and awkward Speaking of playing the piano, I am all thumbs. under (ones) thumb: Under the control of someone; subordinate to. Shes got her husband under her thumb. A rule of thumb: a rough method of calculation, based on practical experience -粗略计算,根据以往实践总结出


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