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栽培部分专业词汇 metabolism: 代谢 macronutrient: 大量元素 include: calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), potassium(K), sulphur(S), phosphorus(P) micronutrient: 微量元素 include: copper(Cu), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), zine(Zn) nutrient: nutrient deficiency 营养不足 nutrient enrichment 营养物富集 nutrient distribution 养分分配 dry matter distribution 干物质分配 4. concentration : content 含量 protein concentration nutrient concentration 5. an experiment…..was performed (carried out) under field conditions 6. spike: 穗 spikelet: 小穗 apical spikelet 顶小穗 7. cultivar: variety, 品种 genotype: 基因型 8. hexaploid: 六倍体(本文指硬粒小麦与节节麦杂交而获得的) 9. sowing date: sowing time: 播种期 sowing rate: 播量 sowing width: 播幅 10. dynamic: 动态 11. grain filling period/stage: 籽粒灌浆期 Seedling stage 幼苗期 wintering (winter-surviving) period/stage 越冬期 re-growth stage 返青期 jointing 拔节 booting 孕穗 heading 抽穗 anthesis post-anthesis /pro-anthesis stage of full bloom 盛花期 maturity (ripeness) 成熟 stage of maturity 成熟期 stage of ripeness 成熟阶段 stage of milky ripeness 乳熟期 stage of waxy ripeness 蜡熟期 stage of complete (dead) ripeness 完熟期 winter habit 冬性 winter hardiness 抗寒性,耐寒性 winter resistance winter survival (植物)越冬性,越冬存活率 12. rachis: 花序轴, 穗轴 13. reduction: decrease, drop, decline下降 Increase, enhance, improve, add 14. malnutrition: 营养缺乏 15. staple: 主要作物, 主要成分 staple crop: 主要作物 staple vegetables: 主要蔬菜, 大宗蔬菜 staple food: 主要食物 16. bioavailability: 生物利用率, 生物有效度 17. calorie: 能量 calorie intake 18. biomass:生物量 19. dilution: 稀释 20. distal: 远端的,末稍的 proximal: 近端的 21. impact(on): 影响 influence (on) affect(on) effect (on) 22. dwarf: 矮秆 semidwarf 半矮秆 23. isogenic: 同基因的 isogenic line: 同(等)基因品系 24. floret: 小花 25. association: 关系 be associated with 26. release: 释放, 发布 27. linear relationship between.. and …线性相关 be closely related with……… 与…密切相关 28. partition: subdivide, distribute 29. T. aestivum: 普通小麦 T. durum: 硬粒小麦,杜伦小麦 T. tauschii: 节节麦 30. factorial combination: 因子结合的(复因子) 31. phenology: 物侯学 32. split-plot design: 裂区设计 main p


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