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英语写作高分短语(一)Hold out olive branch意为:手持橄榄枝,表示某人在表示希望友好解决问题或争端。例句:Bob is always the first to hold out an olive branch after we have an argument.bridge gap意为:缩小差距。stand chance 意为:有希望;有可能。be the instrument of 意为:引来某事物的人或事。例句:The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instrument of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。do the honours意为:尽地主之谊; 招待宾客。例句:You do the honours and pour out the tea while I bring in the cakes.你来招待客人倒茶,我去拿糕点。point of honour意为:名誉攸关的问题。例句:It is said to be a point of honour among thieves not to tell on each other.据说在盗贼当中不互相告发是个义气问题。sweep to victory意为:获胜。例句:The main opposition party sweep to victory in the country’s hotly contested elections.反对党在该国竞争激烈的选举中获胜。go from pillar to post 意为:四处奔波。例句:On the internet before his death Mary complained of having go from pillar to post seeking justice after the illegal demolition of his home. 玛丽死前在网上抱怨,自己在住房被非法拆迁之后,曾四处奔走寻求公正。in ones belief that 意为:认为。例句:In fact, Chinese are almost American in their belief that individual effort enables people to get ahead.实际上,中国人几乎与美国人一样,认为个人努力能让人出人头地。be at the root of意为:……的根源。例句:Martin King Whyte, a Harvard University sociologist, argues that the idea that growing financial inequality in China is at the root of growing unrest is wrong.哈佛大学社会学家怀默霆称,有人认为中国收入差距日益扩大是骚乱日渐增多的根源,这种看法是错误的。but rather that 意为:而是。例句:The common thread that ties these protests of the past week together is not primarily economic, but rather that a growing tribe of migrant workers and others feel oppressed by local authorities.过去一周这些抗议活动之间的共同之处,并不主要是经济上的,而是越来越多的农民工和其他人感觉自己受到了地方政府的压迫。buy off 意为:摆平。例句: Buying off strikers is child’s play, however, compared with dealing with ever larger numbers of people who believe Chinese society to be manifestly unjust.然而,政府现在需要应对越来越多认为中国社会存在明显不公的人,与此相比,支付更高工资摆平罢工者,就显得相当容易了。in proportion to意为:和...成比例。例句:Do you think we are paid in proportion to th


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