英国著名建筑师 Philip Speakman Webb.doc

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英国著名建筑师 Philip Speakman Webb The famous British architect Philip Speakman Webb Philip Speakman Webb (1831-1915) was born in Oxford, the son of a doctor. He was articled to John Billing of Reading, and later worked for George Street in Oxford, becoming his chief assistant. In Oxford he met William Morris. He set up his own practice in London in 1856, and joined Morriss firm in 1861. With William Morris he founded the The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). Philip Speakman Webb (1831-1915)出生在牛津,是一个医生的儿子。他签约于 John Billing of Reading , 后来又为牛津的 George Street 工作,成为了他的首席助理。在牛津,他遇见了William Morris 。1856年,他在伦敦开始了他自己的实习生涯,并且在1861年加入了Morris 的公司。在William Morris的帮助下,他建立了古建筑保护协会( SPAB )。 He was educated at an old foundation grammar school in Northamptonshire, where he was not happy, and soon after his fathers death when he was only fifteen he was articled to a Reading architect, John Billing. 他受教于北安普顿郡一所古老的基础文法学校,但是生活的很不开心,很快,在他15岁的时候,他的父亲去世了,他就受雇于一家建筑师事务所,John Billing。 He hardly designed anything except houses, his first being Red House (1859) for Morris. All his houses were outstanding examples of the Arts and Crafts Movement, of which he became the main theorist. For Morriss firm he designed furniture, glass and metalwork. 除了房屋之外,他几乎没有别的设计,他的第一个设计是为Morris设计的红房子(1859年)。他所有的房屋设计都被当成了工艺品运动的杰出代表,所以他也成了工艺品运动最主要的理论家。他还为Morris的公司设计家具,玻璃和金属制品。 His principal town houses are No 1 Palace Green (1868) and No 19 Lincoln Inn Fields (1868). Principal country houses are Joldwyns, Surrey (1873), Smeaton manor, Yorkshire (1878) and Conyhurst, Surrey (1885). 他的主要城镇房屋有格林宫殿一号(1868年),林肯客栈19号(1868年)。主要的乡村住宅有Joldwyns,在萨里郡(1873),Smeaton庄园,在约克郡(1878)还有萨里郡的Conyhurst。 George Howard of Naworth Castle near Brampton was an able artist and friend of the Pre-Raphaelites, and a keen patron of Philip Webb. Webb had built two houses for his Naworth Castle Estate, Four Gables and Green Lane House, the latter intended for the vicar. Much financial help was offered towards building a new chur


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