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Grant and Lee 高英6课文翻译

Grant and Lee大学英语综合教程五第五单元文章 When Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee met in the parlor of a modest house at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, to work out the terms for the surrender of Lees Army of Northern Virginia, a great chapter in American life came to a close, and a great new chapter began.当尤利西兹格兰特和罗伯特李在弗吉尼亚州阿珀马特科斯县城一所不太大的房子的客厅里会面,商讨李所率的北弗吉尼亚军队投降条件时,美国人生活中一个伟大的篇章结束了,一个崭新的重要篇章开始了。 These men were bringing the Civil War to its virtual finish. To be sure, other armies had yet to surrender, and for a few days the fugitive Confederate government would struggle desperately and vainly, trying to find some way to go on living now that its chief support was gone. But in effect it was all over when Grant and Lee signed the papers. And the little room where they wrote out the terms was the scene of one of the poignant, dramatic contrasts in American history此二人是在实质上终止内战。诚然,其他军队尚未投降,已失去主要支柱的逃亡的邦联政府仍将绝望地徒然挣扎数日,想法寻觅生机。其实,在格兰特和李签署文件之时,一切都已结束。他们拟定投降条件时用的那间小客厅成了见证美国史上强烈的戏剧性对照的场所。They were two strong men, these oddly different generals, and they represented the strengths of two conflicting currents that, through them, had come into final collision.这两位截然不同的将军都是强有力的人物,他们代表着两股相互冲突的力量的潮流,那两股潮流通过他们最终发生碰撞。Back of Robert E. Lee was the notion that the old aristocratic concept might somehow survive and be dominant in American life.罗伯特李所仰仗的信念是,古老的贵族观念或许能以某种方式继续存在下去,并左右美国人的生活。Lee was tidewater Virginia, and in his background were family, culture, and tradition ... the age of chivalry transplanted to a New World which was making its own legends and its own myths. He embodied a way of life that had come down through the age of knighthood and the English country squire. America was a land that was beginning all over again, dedicated to nothing much more complicated than the rather hazy belief that all men had equal rights, and should have an equal chance in the world. In such a land Lee stood for the feeling that it was somehow of advantage to human society to have a pr


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