快乐英文 (周四下午)04.23.doc

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快乐英语 2015/4/23 主要内容: 有趣的生活 作品介绍 A:守一颗淡泊之心,拥一份淡然之美. B:漫漫人生旅途,看风起云卷,花开花落,蓦然回首浅浅一笑, A:亲爱的观众朋友,大家下午好。 B:今天是2015年4 月23日 星期四 天气:16℃~20 ℃ 阴 A:很高兴本周同一时间与大家相聚在《快乐英语》栏目。我是你们的好朋友小A. B:我是你们的好朋友小B. A:首先,您将听到的是“有趣的生活”版块的内容。 (************音乐***********) A:下面为大家介艾米丽。勃朗特的《Wuthering?Heights》 呼啸山庄 《Wuthering Heights》, British writer Emily Brontes novel, is her only novel, first published in 1847. Because the content was ugly depiction of human nature and stricken criticism, is known to be a terrible and savage, the book, the book written to make the solitude of the wilderness, secluded castle, brutal love, gloomy atmosphere and strong。 《呼啸山庄》,英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特的小说,也是她唯一的一部小说,于1847年首度出版。当时因为内容对人性丑恶的描写而遭致非议,被称为是一本“可怕而野蛮”的书,书中写尽了寂寥的荒野、偏僻的古堡、粗暴的爱情,气氛阴郁而浓厚,被当时人所不容。 But as time goes on, the novel gradually being recognized by mainstream society, and are considered works of the Bronte sisters, all of the most outstanding one. Emilys unique qualities, the worlds perception of wilderness attachment and description, to the novel adds a unique aesthetic meaning, which is significantly different from the Victorian novel reasons other novels. 但是随着时间的推移,这部小说逐渐的被主流社会所认同,并且被认为是勃朗特姐妹所有的作品中最为出色的一部。艾米丽独特的气质,对世界的感悟,对荒原的依恋和描写,给这部小说增添了独特的审美意味,这是这部小说明显不同于维多利亚时代其他小说的原因。 This is a story of love and revenge. Wuthering Heights owner, squire Mr. Earnshaw brought back an unidentified child, take 名希斯克利夫, he captured the owner of the little master Hindley and his sister Catherines favor. The owners death, Hindley retaliation for the Heathcliff dismissed as slaves, and all sorts of persecution, but Catherine intimacy with him, childhood. 这是一个爱情和复仇的故事。呼啸山庄的主人,乡绅欧肖先生带回来了一个身份不明的孩子,取名希斯克利夫,他夺取了主人对小主人亨德雷和他的妹妹凯瑟琳的宠爱。主人死后,亨德雷为报复把希斯克利夫贬为奴仆,并百般迫害,可是凯瑟琳跟他亲密无间,青梅竹马。 Later, Catherine outside influence, and instead fell in love with the quiet young Edgar thrush Grange. Heathcliff angrily away, three years after the rich in their hometowns, Catherine had married Edgar. Heathcliff do this crazy revenge, by gambling took Hindleys family w



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