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十万个冷笑话-福禄篇 旁白:在很久很久以前,有一座葫芦山,镇压着一只千年蛇妖,一天一直穿山甲不小心钻破了山体放出了蛇精,一名路过的老汉救出了被压在石头下的穿山甲 还拿到了七彩葫芦籽,据说,只要种出七彩葫芦就能够消灭妖精,老汉将葫芦籽带回家,不久之后,就长出了七个颜色各异的葫芦,事情很快传到了蛇精的耳中。 Long long ago, there was a hulu hill, there is a millennium demon, one day ,a pangolin accidentally breaking the mountain ,and the snake demon ran out of the mountain, a passer-by ,the old man rescued the pangolin which was trapped in the stone. the colourful gourd seeds were discovered by the old man.it was said that, as long as the seven colourful hulu can eliminate the snake,the old man took the gourd seeds home, soon, seven different colours hulu borned, this thing soon spread to the the snake. 蛤蟆:报告大王 My king 蛇精:说过多少次了,不要叫我大王,要叫我女王大人!! How many times, dont call me king, call me queen 旁白:抱歉,不要误会,我们要讲的完全不是你想的那个故事 齐:十万个冷笑话 蛇精:说过多少次了,不要叫我大王,要叫我女王大人 How many times, dont call me king, call me queen 蛤蟆:好的大王 报告大王 那老汉家就在前方! Ok my king my king the old man’s home is over there! 蛇精:啊~ 旁白:于是,在一个月黑风高的晚上 So, In a dark and stormy night 老汉:help!Help! 福禄们:爷爷!爷爷! Grandpa!grandpa! 大娃:呕鸡酱 Grandpa simida! 蛤蟆:大王 My KING 蛇精:叫我女王大人啊 Call me queen 蛤蟆:好的大王,话说大王为什么只抓老汉啊,福禄们怎么办啊 Ok my king! By the way,why do we catch the grandpa and leave the hulus there,my king? 蛇精:你懂个p啊,这叫擒贼先擒王,给我学着点儿 Are you Fahai? This is a strategy named: Destroy the leader and the gang will collapse. Watch and learn! 旁白:老汉被抓走好多天之后,福禄们 也成熟啦! 终于,大娃诞生啦! Since the day the old man was caught away, hulus are grown up! finally, Dawa is there! 大娃:呕豆豆们哟 安心洗路 尼桑我绝对会将你们呕鸡酱带回来的 撒,一狗! My brothers congkong! Just calm down, your oppa will definitely bringour grandpa back simida! Here I go simida! 福禄1(四娃):大哥他又在说霓虹语了,不愧是宅男啊,话说福禄刻还没完全裂开,没事把大哥,没问题吧大哥 He said the kimchi language again, so international! But his shell hasnt completely opened, are you all right big brother? do you have any problem my dude? 福禄2(五娃):不妙啊 总觉得前途黑暗啊 I don’t think we have a bright future… 旁白:翻山越岭后,大娃来到了蛇精的山洞 Tramp over mountains and through rivers, Dawa get to snake’s cave 大娃:终于让我找到你的老窝了蛇精!哈压裤把我的呕鸡酱还给我 我还可以饶你门


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