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纳米压印光刻胶 赵彬1,张静2,周伟民2,王金合2,刘彦伯2,张燕萍2,施利毅1,张剑平1* 1.上海大学 理学院化学系,上海200444 2.上海市纳米科技与产业发展促进中心 纳米核心技术实验室,上海200237 摘要:光刻胶是纳米压印关键材料,其性能将影响压印图形复制精度、图形缺陷率和图形向底材转移时刻蚀选择性。文中提出了成膜性能、硬度粘度、固化速度、界面性质、抗刻蚀能力等压印光刻胶的性能指标。并根据工艺特点和材料成分对光刻胶分类,介绍了热压印光刻胶、紫外压印光刻胶、步进式光刻胶和滚动压印式光刻胶的特点以及碳氧类纯有机材料、有机氟材料、有机硅材料做压印光刻胶的优缺点。列举了热压印、紫外压印、步进压印工艺中具有代表性的光刻胶实例,详细分析了其配方中各组分的比例和作用。介绍了可降解光刻胶的原理。展望了压印光刻胶的发展趋势。 关键词:纳米压印;热压印光刻胶; 紫外压印光刻胶; 有机硅光刻胶; 含氟光刻胶 Introduction to Nanoimprint Lithography Resist Zhao Bin1, Zhang Jing2, Zhou Weimin2, Wang Jinhe2 ,Liu Yanbo2 ,Zhang Yanping2 ,Shi Liyi1,Zhang Jianpin1* 1.Chemistry department ,School of Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 2.Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Shanghai Nanotechnology Promotion Center (SNPC), Shanghai 200237, China Resist is a key material for nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Its property influence the accuracy of transferred patterns, defects rate and etch selectivity of NIL significantly. A suitable resist material is of great importance for successful imprinting. In this paper, requirements of a imprint resist, such as coating ability, viscosity, modulus, curing rates, interfacial energy and etch resistance are discussed. Different categories of imprint resists sorted by different nanoimprint lithography (such as hot embossing lithography, UV-nanoimprint lithography, step and flash nanoimprint lithography and roll-to-roll nanoimprint lithography) and main component (such as carbon-oxygen compound, carbon-fluorine compound and carbon-silicon compound) are introduced. Some classical prescriptions of hot embossing resist, UV-nanoimprint resist and step-by-step nanoimprint resist are analyzed detailedly, including each component function and quantity in each prescription. In the end the principle of degradable imprint resist are discussed and the development tendency of imprint resists are given. Key words: nanoimprint lithography;hot embossing resist; UV-nanoimprint resist; floroupolymer; silicone polymer 0 引言 纳米压印是受到广泛关注的下一代光刻技术,高精度、高分辨率、廉


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