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《文学概论》期末论文 经典范文.doc

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浙江万里学院201/2016学年第二学期 The Feminist Approaches to Wuthering Heights Abstract: As Wuthering Heights is deemed to a classic of English literature, it has been always attracting considerable readers and scholars to investigate from different perspective. Wuthering Heights expressed the mental oppression, tension and contradiction of human beings in capitalist society in 19th century. Based on the previous studies at home and abroad, this paper will introduce the female perspective into the study of Catherine’s tragic fate. Key words: Wuthering Heights, the Feminist Approaches, Catherine, tragic fate The Feminist Approaches Feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Examines ways in which literature reinforces or undermines the oppression of women. Feminists examine the experiences of women from all races and classes and cultures. According to feminist criticism, the roots of prejudice against women have long been embedded in Western culture. Some say it originated with biblical narrative where the fall of man is blamed on Eve, not Adam. Ancient Greeks (Aristotle) “The man is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules and the other is ruled.” Therefore, feminism’s goal is to change these degrading views of women so that all women will realize they are not a “non-significant other” and will realize that each woman is a valuable person possessing the same privileges and rights as every man. Feminism has caused a major relocation of values in literary studies and elsewhere in Western culture, and it will continue to challenge long-held beliefs and practices. Feminism, as a catalyst for so much of postmodern literary and cultural studies, will find itself transformed by its own creations. Human and Nature Emily Bronte was born in a poor priest house. She is introverted, often wander wilderness alone to experience the intimate connection between man and nature. Besides, at the end of the 18th century the fe


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