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摘  要 粮食烘干是储存粮食的重要步骤,本系统是基于89C51单片机为基础开发出的粮食烘干系统。首先塔式烘干机将进粮的阀门打开,当料位传感器检测到粮食达到指定的位置时,阀门将被关闭。此时加热风机进行对流加热,温度和湿度传感器采集信号,显示屏上实时显示粮食的温湿度。当粮食达到所需要的温湿度时,出粮口的阀门打开,粮食运送到外面进行缓苏,最后粮食送入粮仓储藏。 本针对高水分粮烘干的控制系统设计采用二维模糊控制器结构利用 Mamdani推理算法经输入输出变量的模糊化模糊推理模糊决策等过程实现了对高水分粮的烘干控制使其水分达到规定目标 关键词:单片机 粮食烘干 模糊控制 Grain dryer Abstract Grain drying is an important step in food storage .The system is based on the single-chip computer, 89C51 developed for food drying. Firstly, the tower dryer open the valve,a certain location the food reached, which found by the material level sensor, the valve will be closed. At this point, the heating fan is started to heat the food convectively,and the temperature and humidity sensors start to work,the temperature and humidity of food will be shown on the screen at the same time。When the grain meet the required temperature and humidity,it pay out of the valve opening to the outside food deliveries for relief Su. Finally,the rain is delivered into the barn to store . This article concerned in drying high moisture grain, choose the two-dimensional fuzzy controller structure, used the inference algorithm pass through fossilized, fuzzy inference, fuzzy design and other process of input/output date to realize the control of drying high moisture grain to make the moisture of the grain reach the provision target The system for stable performance, cost performance advantages, is to be widely applied to the food processing industry in the dryer Key words: single-chip grain drying fuzzy control 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 论文选题背景及研究意义 1 第二章 方案论证 7 2.1系统方案论证 7 2.2干燥设备选择论证 8 2.3温度传感器的选择 11 第三章 硬件电路设计 13 3.1单片机的选定 13 3.2温度传感器 19 3.2.1 AD590简介 19 3.2.2 AD590的应用电路 20 3.2.3温度AD590管脚 22 3.3湿度检测电路 22 3.4复位电路 23 3.5系统电源设计 24 3.6显示部分 25 3.6.1 8279的引脚说明 25 3.6.2 8279的工作方式 26 3.6.3 8279的控制命令 26 3.6.4 8279数据的输入输出 28 3.7风机驱动和加热驱动的设计 29 3.7.1风机驱动设计 29 3.7.2加热驱动设计 30 3.8 A/D转换器及其与CPU的接口 32 3.8.1 A/D转换器的选择 32 3.8.2引脚排列及各引脚的功能 33 3.9 料位传感器 34 第四章 控制算法 38 4.1模糊控制的基本理论 38 4.2模糊控制器的基本结构 3


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