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1、Two numbers differ by(与…相差 )57. Their sum is 185. Find the?? ??? ?numbers. ? ? 2、A bus went 318 km farther than a car. The car went one third (三分之 ????? 一)?as far as the bus. How far did each vehicle(车辆) travel? ? ? 3、one number is four times another number. The larger number is also 87 ???? more than the smaller number. Find the numbers. ? ? ? 4、A clown(小丑) weights 60 lb(磅) more than a trapeze artist.(荡秋千 ??? 演员)。 The trapeze artist weighs two thirds(三分之二)as much as the ??? clown. How much does each weigh? ? ? ? 5、The U.S. Senate has 100 memebers, all Democrats or Republicans. ???? Recently there were 12 more Democrats than Republicans. How many ???? Senators from each political party were there at that time? ? ? ? 6.The ninth grade class has 17 more girls than boys. there are 431 students in ?? all. how many boys are there? how many girls are there? ? ? ? 7. Elena has one and a half times as much money as Ramon.Together they ????have 225. how much money does each have? ? ? ? 8、Western state college is 18 years older than southern state. western is ??? also 2 and the half times as old as southern. how old is each? ? ? 9、The alarm of Clock A rings every 4 minutes, the alarm of Clock B rings every 6 ????? minutes, and the alarm of Clock C rings every 7 minutes. If the alarms of all three ???? clocks ring at 12:00 noon, the next time at which all the alarms will ring at exactly ???? the same time is (??????? ) ???????? A. 12:28 P.M.????? ?B. 12:56 P.M.????? C.? 1:24 P.M.????? ?D.? 1:36 P.M.???? ? ? 10、On 5 math tests, Gloria had an average score of 86. If all test scores are integers, ???? what is the lowest average score average score Gloria can receive on the remaining ??? 3 tests if she wants to finish the semester with an average score of 90 or higher?? ?? A.、90?? B、 92?? C、94?? D、96?? E、97 ? ? 11、Two boys, Dudi and Gani, run back and forth between two points A and ???? B at a constant(恒定的) speed without stopping. Dudis speed is 1.5 ???


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