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河 南 科 技 大 学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 园林树木的栽培与养护 姓 名 韩 青 院 (系) 林学院 专 业  林 学 指导教师 2013年 9月24 日 园林树木的栽培与养护 摘 要 园林树木是城市环境的主要生物资源,是构成园林绿地的主体,其生长状况直接影响园林绿化的效果。园林树木生态效益和美化功能的发挥必须建立在树木良好生长的基础上,而要保持园林树木健康、持久地生长是与科学、合理的树木栽培养护措施是密不可分的。作为城市发展的象征,园林树木既是物质的载体,又是反映社会意识形态的空间艺术。而植物又是园林景观营造的主要材料,而且是唯一具有生命力象征的园林要素,不仅可以调节小气候、创造优美的环境,还能使园林空间体现生命的活力。园林树木的选择、配置是否得当,很大程度上决定了园林绿化是否达到实用、经济、美观的效果。随着社会的不断发展,人们对生存环境建设的要求也越来越高,园林事业的发展呈现出时代的、健康的、与自然和谐共存的趋势。 关键词:园林树木;意义;栽植与养护;病虫害防治 THE CULTIVATION AND THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAOE PLANTS ABSTRACT Landscape plants is a major biological resources of the urban environment, constitute the main body of landscape green space, directly affect the growth status and landscape effect. Of landscape plants and ecological benefit and beautification function must be established on the basis of good trees grow, and growth is needed to maintain a healthy garden trees and everlastingly, and with the trees of the scientific and rational cultivation maintenance measures are inseparable. As a symbol of city development, landscape plants is not only the carrier of the material, and reflects the social ideology of space art. And the main material of plants and landscape construction, and the only symbol has the vitality of landscape elements, not only can adjust microclimate, create a beautiful environment, still can make the garden space reflect the vitality of life. The selection of landscape plants, the configuration is proper, largely determines whether afforestation to practical, economic, beautiful effect. With the continuous development of society, people also more and more high to the requirement of environment construction, the development of landscape architecture present age, health, harmony with nature. Key words:Garden trees; Meaning; Planting and maintenance; Prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests 目 录 摘 要 Abstract 1 前言 1 1.1园林树木栽培养护的意义 1 1.2园林树木在城市园林绿地建设中的作用 2 1.2.1园林树木对环境改善和防护作用 2园林树木改善空气质


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